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International Conference on L-functions and

Automorphic Forms

in conjunction with the

36th Shanks lecture

held by

Kannan Soundararajan

May 13th to May 16th 2024




About the conference:

This conference is devoted to the areas of L-functions and autmorphic forms. In particular, it focuses on the interactions between both fields, which have a long and fruitful history since the fundamental work by Hecke about 90 years ago. The topics will focus on new developments around the areas indicated in the title, as well as establishing and furthering dialogue on new developments at the boundary of these areas. Given the ubiquity of automorphic forms throughout number theory as well as their strong interaction with the field of L-functions, it is very reasonable to expect that both areas will benefit from each other in the future as well. It is likely that this would lead to ideas more broadly useful in other areas of pure mathematics as well as to new types of objects to inspect and new structural questions within both fields.


Sponsored by the Shanks Endowment, the NSF and Vanderbilt University.

If you produce publications supported by the conference, here is citation info to include (please let the organizers know for our records as well if you have such a paper citing the grant/conference).

The authors are grateful for support of: The Shanks Endowment, Vanderbilt University, and NSF Grant: “Conference: International conference on L-functions and automorphic forms” award number: DMS-2349888

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