
You can also see my work at ResearchGate.

RESPONSIVE PEDAGOGIES for Multilingual Literacy Learning
(This strand of my research efforts focuses on how multilingual youth mediate learning for one another, how educators attend to this productive mediation, and how educators responsively scaffold learning tasks for multilingual students.)

Daniel, S., Ryu, M., Tuvilla, M., & Wright, C. (2022.) The affordances of leveraging multilingual repertoires in scientific reasoning among resettled refugee teens. In Anders Jakobsson, Pia Nygard-Larsson, Annika Karlsson (Eds.) Translanguaging in Science Education. Springer.

Ryu, M., & Daniel, S. (2020) How did we engage resettled Chin youth in critical STEM literacy practices? Asia-Pacific Science Education. Doi: 10.1163/23641177-BJA10008

Daniel, S., Pray, L., & Pacheco, M. (2020). Cultivating teacher responsiveness with emergent bilinguals through the videotaped lesson analysis. doi: 10.1002/tesj.475

Ryu, M., Daniel, S., Tuvilla, M., Wright, C. (2020). Refugee youth, critical science literacy, and transformative possibilities. Proceedings of the 2020 International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS).

Daniel, S. (2018). Resettled refugee youth leveraging their out-of-school literacy practices to accomplish schoolworkMind, Culture, and Activity. DOI: 10.1080/10749039.2018.1481092.

Daniel, S., & *Zybina, M. (2018). Resettled refugee teens’ perspectives: Identifying a need to centralize youths’ “Funds of Strategies” in future efforts to enact Culturally Responsive Pedagogy. The Urban Review. doi: 10.1007/s11256-018-0484-7. doi: 10.1007/s11256-018-0484-7

Daniel, S. (2019). Writing our identities for successful endeavors: Resettled refugee youth look to the future. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. doi: 10.1080/02568543.2018.1531448.

Tuvilla, M. R., Wright, C. E., Ryu, M., & Daniel, S. (2018). How Do Multilingual Learners Support One Another’s Science Learning and Participation? The 2018 Proceedings of the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 1761-1762, London, UK.

Daniel, S., & Eley, C. (2018). Improving Cohesion in Our Writing: Findings from an Identity Text Workshop with Resettled Refugee Teens. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy. DOI: 10.1002/jaal.700

Pacheco, M., Daniel, S., Jiménez, R., Pray, L. (2019). Translingual practice, strategic participation, and meaning-making. Journal of Literacy Research, 51(1), 75-99. doi: 10.1177/1086296X18820642.

Daniel, S., Jiménez, R., Pray, L., & Pacheco, M. (2019). Scaffolding to make translanguaging a classroom normTESOL Journal. doi: 10.1002/tesj.361.

Reynolds, D., & Daniel, S. (2018). Toward Contingency in Scaffolding Reading Comprehension: Next Steps for Research. Reading Research Quarterly, 53(3). doi: 10.1002/rrq.200.

Daniel, S. (2018). Developing authentic CBI (content-based instruction) units. The TESOL Encyclopedia.

Pacheco, M., Daniel, S., & Pray, L. (2017). Scaffolding Practice: Supporting Emerging Bilinguals’ Academic Language Use in Two Classroom Communities. Language Arts, 95(2), 63-76.

Martin-Beltrán, M., Daniel, S., Peercy, M., & Silverman, R. (2017). Developing a Zone of Relevance: Emergent bilinguals’ use of social, linguistic, and cognitive support in peer-led literacy discussions. International Multilingual Research Journal, 11(3), 152-166. doi: 10.1080/19313152.2017.1330061.

Daniel, S., & Pacheco, M. (2016). Translanguaging practices: Emic perspectives from four multilingual teens. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 59(6), 653-663. doi: 10.1002/jaal.500

Daniel, S., Martin-Beltrán, M., Peercy, M., Silverman, R. (2016). Beyond “Yes or no?” Shifting from Over-Scaffolding to Contingent Scaffolding in Literacy Education with Emergent Bilingual Students. TESOL Journal, 7(2), 393-420. doi: 10.1002/tesj.213

Daniel, S., & Conlin, L. (2015). Shifting Attention Back to Students within the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP). TESOL Quarterly, 49(1), 169-187. doi: 10.1002/tesq.213.

Daniel, S. (2015). Engaging youth and pre-service teachers in immigration deliberations. Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(2), 321-323. doi: 10.1080/02607476.2015.1041290.

TEACHER LEARNING regarding the Effective Education of Multilingual Students (This strand of my work focuses on how teachers learn to refine their instruction for multilingual learners, and how teacher educators can responsively provide learning opportunities that build upon teachers’ strengths.)

Daniel, S., Pray, L., & Pacheco, M. (2020) Cultivating teacher responsiveness with emergent bilingual students through videotapes lesson analysisTESOL Journal. doi: 10.1002/tesj.475.

Daniel, S., & Pray, L. (2017). Learning to Teach English Language Learners: A Study of Elementary School Teachers’ Sense-making in an ELL Endorsement Program. TESOL Quarterly, 51(4), 787-819. doi: 10.1002/tesq.347.

Daniel, S. (2016). Grappling with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: A study of elementary-level teacher candidates’ learning across practicum and diversity coursework experiences. The Urban Review, 48(4), 579-600. doi: 10.1007/s11256-016-0369-6. PDF: Daniel (2016) CRP TCs Urban Review

Daniel, S. (2015). Empathetic, critical integrations of multiple perspectives: A core practice for language teacher education? TESOL Journal, 6(1), 149-176. doi: 10.1002/tesj.184.

Daniel, S. (2014). Learning to educate English Language Learners in pre-service elementary practicums. Teacher Education Quarterly, 41(2), 5-28.

Daniel, S., & Peercy, M. (2014). Expanding roles: Teacher educators’ perspectives on educating English learners. Action in Teacher Education, 36(2), 100-116. doi: 10.1080/01626620.2013.864575.

FACTORS IMPACTING TEACHERS’ INSTRUCTION with Multilingual Students (This strand of my work considers contextual and ecological factors that impact teacher learning.)

Pray, L., Daniel, S., & Pacheco, M. (2017). Functional systems that afford and constrain elementary teachers’ adaptation of instruction to support multilingual students. International Multilingual Research Journal, 11(4), 205-222. doi: 10.1080/19313152.2016.1239458.

Peercy, M., Martin-Beltrán, M., Silverman, R., & Daniel, S. (2015). Curricular design and redesign as a site of teacher expertise and learning. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 22(2), 867-893. doi: 10.1080/13540602.2014.995486.

Peercy, M., Martin-Beltran, M., Daniel, S. (2013). Learning from each other: Communities of practice interacting to support ELL literacy. Language, Literacy, and Curriculum, 26(3), 284-299. doi: 10.1080/07908318.2013.849720.

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