

Oct. 2013. Formal Specifications for Secure Component Deployment. NSF Foundations
of Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems, PI Meeting, Arlington VA, USA.
Oct. 2013. Specification of Cyber-Physical Components with Formal Semantics – Integration and Composition. MODELS 2013, Miami FL, USA.
Oct. 2013. A Hyperdense Semantic Domain for Discontinuous Behavior in Physical System Modeling. MPM 2013, Miami FL, USA.
Oct. 2013. Semantic Specifications for Domain-Specific Modeling Languages. ACM Competition, MODELS 2013, Miami FL, USA.
Aug. 2013. Verification of Periodically Controlled Hybrid Systems. Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, USA.
Apr. 2013. A Framework for Unambiguous and Extensible Specification of DSMLs for Cyber-Physical Systems. ECBS 2013, Phoenix AZ, USA.
Apr. 2013. Towards a Theory for Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling. CyPhy 2013, Philadelphia PA, USA.
Nov. 2012. Formal Methods for Domain-Specific Modeling Language (DSML specification,
model checking and theorem proving. WithIT seminar, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, USA.
July 2012. Formal Specification of Domain Specific Modeling Languages for Cyber-
Physical Systems. SRI International, Menlo Park CA, USA.
July 2012. Semantic Backplane: Formal Specification of CyPhyML. DARPA Tactical
Technology Office, PI Meeting, Camp Pendleton CA, USA.
Oct. 2011. Towards Statistical Properties of Design Space Exploration Algorithms. Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, USA.
Sept. 2011. Temporal Logic Monitoring. Microsoft Research, Redmond WA, USA.
Feb. 2011. Real-time Metric Linear Temporal Logic Monitoring. Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh PA.
2009. Elimination of clavicle shadows to help automatic lung nodule detection on chest radiographs. EMBEC 2009, Brussels, Belgium.