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Red Hat Network Service Available through ITS

Posted by on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 in Blog.

ITS is pleased to offer a Red Hat Enterprise Linux download and patch management service to the Vanderbilt community. The offer provides employees and students with free access to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3 Desktop for use on personally owned systems.  It also enables departments to download RHEL 5.3 Desktop and Server for use on Vanderbilt owned devices.  Customers may use the service to download RHEL updates through Red Hat Network.  ITS is hosting a Red Hat Network satellite server for managing the service.


To participate:


1.     Place your order through the ITS Software Store at

2.     Customers who submit a departmental order should also complete the “Request Red Hat Network Administrator Rights” form at


The departmental products are subscription based, and renew each July 1.  Pricing is pro-rated and discounted 50% off Red Hat’s basic annual subscription price.


Support for accessing RHN and for obtaining RHEL product updates may be requested through the ITS Help Desk by calling 3-9999.  Customers may also wish to subscribe to Vanderbilt’s Linux User Group (VLUG) by sending email to  with no subject and the message body of: subscribe vlug


Please contact for additional information.