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Windows 7 Upgrade Offer

Posted by on Wednesday, May 20, 2009 in Blog.

Windows 7 is expected to be released in the latter half of 2009. ZDnet has reported that computer manufacturers will begin offering no cost Vista to Windows 7 upgrades on July 1.  Microsoft is offering the following promotion to higher education to help foster Windows 7 adoption:


·         If a customer has purchased a license for Windows XP Professional or Windows Vista Business through OEM (i.e. through a hardware manufacturer such as Dell) since August 1, 2008, the customer may place the license under software assurance (SA).

·         If Windows 7 is released within two years of the SA purchase date, Windows 7 will be a free upgrade.

·         The offer ends September 27, 2009.

Vanderbilt departments with OEM Windows licenses not already covered by SA, or that plan on purchasing systems with XP or Vista between now and July 1, may use this promotion as a cost effective option for upgrading to Windows 7.  Departments can take advantage of the offer by purchasing the “Microsoft Windows 7 Upgrade from OEM Windows License Purchased after 8/1/08 Pre-Order” product through the ITS Software Store.  Pre-order licenses cost $34.02.  The expected “non-promotional” price for Windows 7 Upgrade through the Software Store is $50.