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Free Online Mathematica Seminars

Posted by on Tuesday, October 6, 2009 in Blog.

Wolfram Research provides free online Mathematica related seminars to the education community. The 30-60 minute seminars are presented by senior Wolfram Research technical staff, provide an easy way to learn from Mathematica experts, and include live Q&A. Seminars scheduled for October 2009 include:

• Applied Parallel Computation with Mathematica
• A Brief Overview of Mathematica
• An Overview of Mathematica for Education
• Got Manipulate?
• Import and Export Data Formats in Mathematica
• Discrete Calculus with Mathematica
• Creating Demonstrations
• Overview of webMathematica
• Statistics and Data Analysis with Mathematica
• Working with Data Collections
• College Calculus with Mathematica
• Image Processing with Mathematica
• Working with Imported Data in Mathematica

To view the complete seminar catalog, see To register for a seminar, visit