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Microsoft Addresses Complaints from TechNet Subscribers

Posted by on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 in Blog.

Microsoft stopped accepting new TechNet subscription orders on August 31, 2013.  In response, many Microsoft customers signed an online petition asking Microsoft to offer an affordable alternative to MSDN subscriptions.

Microsoft is addressing the feedback by:

  1. Adding a free 90-day extension to existing TechNet subscriptions that expire between September 1 and September 30, 2014.  Microsoft added the extension to give customers more time to adapt to the change.  Customers who purchased through a volume licensing program are not eligible for the extension.
  2. Adding some older products to the TechNet Evaluation Center so that subscribers can better prepare for migrations and test compatibility scenarios.
  3. Providing Microsoft Certified Trainers with access to non-expiring products for use in training.

Vanderbilt employees who purchased TechNet through the Software Store are not eligible for the 90-day extension since we obtained our TechNet subscriptions through Microsoft’s Select volume licensing program.

See for more information.