New Adobe Products
Adobe recently released several new products including:
- Adobe ColdFusion 11 Enterprise (for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris)
- Adobe ColdFusion 11 Standard (for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Solaris)
- Adobe ColdFusion Builder 3 (for Windows, Mac, and Linux)
- Adobe Captivate 8 (for Windows and Mac)
- Adobe Freehand 11.0.1 for Windows
- Adobe Photoshop Elements 13 (for Windows and Mac)
- Adobe Premiere Elements 13 (for Windows and Mac)
- Adobe Photoshop & Premiere Elements 13 (for Windows and Mac)
If you have active maintenance on one or more of the products above, you are eligible to upgrade to the current version for $0. The Software Store places new product versions in the accounts of eligible customers.