Progress Reports

November 3, 2015

With the direction of the project decided, research is being conducted regarding possible software solutions, specifically options within MATLAB. Additionally, algorithms used in autotune will be investigated and modified for our data analysis process. In the near future, we expect to develop a more comprehensive knowledge of MATLAB with an emphasis on circular statistics and analyzing audio signals.

November 10, 2015

Our group has begun to produce our MATLAB code and have made concrete advancements in how to record and filter an audio signal in MATLAB.  Our next step will be determining the most appropriate type of analysis for the gathered signal.  With the future in mind we are setting a goal of having a functional model at the time of the next study being done by the Gordon lab (early January).

November 19, 2015

After creating audio signals and adding preliminary filtering; we were concerned with the potential truncation of valuable signal.  In order to maintain proper signal, we are planning on utilizing front end filtering.  This allows us to both increase speed of code and maintain higher quality signal.  One of the main problems we have encountered is the ability to both record and play two separate sound tracks simultaneously.  This is necessary in order to be able to properly classify the phase lag or anticipation of participants.  In order to combat this problem, new Matlab toolboxes are being explored for their abilities to perform the necessary actions.

January 18, 2016

Simultaneous recording and playing of audio has been tackled using Simulink, as detailed in the full report.

February 5, 2016

Full Progress Report

February 15, 2016

Full Progress Report

February 29, 2016

Full Progress Report

March 21, 2016

Full Progress Report

April 4, 2016

Full Progress Report