Scientific Talks
- “Automated selection of anterior and posterior commissures based on a deformable atlas and its evaluation based on manual selections by neurosurgeons,” at SPIE Medical Imaging conference, San Diego, USA, 2007. SPIE Medical Imaging is the premier forum for reporting state-of-the-art research and development in medical imaging physics, image processing, CAD, perception, PACS, and biomedical applications.
- “A new method for creating electrophysiological maps for DBS surgery and their application to surgical guidance,” at the 11th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society (MICCAI), New York University, New York, USA, 2008. The MICCAI Society is an important forum for emerging fields like medical image computing, computer-assisted intervention, and medical robotics and brings together clinicians, bioscientists, computer scientists, engineers, physicists, and other researchers who are contributing to, and need to keep abreast of, advances in the methodology and applications.
- “Effect of brain shift on the creation of functional atlases for deep brain stimulation surgery,” at the 23rd International Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery (CARS) Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, 2009. The CARS congress with its associated journal, the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, is a facilitator of innovation and an important contributor to modern medicine on a worldwide basis. CARS has its focus on R & D for computer assisted systems and their applications in radiology and surgery.
- “Correlating Statistical Maps of Contraction due to Stimulation and the Optimal Implant Position for Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation with the Anatomy,” at the 80th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Miami, FL, USA, 2012. The AANS is a scientific and educational association with over 8,000 members worldwide. The AANS is dedicated to advancing the specialty of neurological surgery in order to provide the highest quality of neurosurgical care to the public.
- “Medical Image to Image Registration Techniques”, Invited talk, Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering (ViSE), July 2012.
- “Normalization of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery data into a common reference system using non-linear image registration and building statistical atlases for pre-, intra- and post-operative assistance technologies”, Invited talk, Vanderbilt Initiative in Surgery and Engineering (ViSE), August 2011.
Journal Articles and Peer-Reviewd Full Conference Proceedings
Google Scholar
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, W. Lake, P. E. Konrad, B. M. Dawant, and J. S. Neimat, “Fully automated targeting using non-rigid image registration matches accuracy and exceeds precision of best manual approaches to Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation targeting in Parkinson’s disease,” Neurosurg., p. (Accepted), 2015.
- E. Y. Henderson, T. Goble, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, C. Oluigbo, P. Agrawal, M. Deogaonkar, and A. Rezai, “Successful subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation therapy after significant lead displacement from a subdural hematoma,” Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, vol. 22, pp. 387-390, 2015.
- P.-F. D’Haese, P. E. Konrad, S. Pallavaram, R. Li, P. Prasad, W. J. Rodriguez, and B. M. Dawant, “CranialCloud: A cloud-based architecture to support trans-institutional collaborative efforts in neuro-degenerative disorders,” in The 6th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), Barcelona, Spain, 2015 (Accepted).
- S. Pallavaram, F. Phibbs, C. Tolleson, T. Davis, J. Fang, P. Hedera, R. Li, T. Koyama, B. M. Dawant, and P.-F. D’Haese, ” Neurologist Consistency in interpreting information provided by an Interactive Visualization Software for Deep Brain Stimulation Post-Operative Programming Assistance ” Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, vol. 17, pp. 11-15, 2014.
- C. Tolleson, S. Pallavaram, C. Li, J. Fang, F. Phibbs, P. E. Konrad, P. Hedera, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, and T. L. Davis, “The optimal pallidal target in deep brain stimulation for dystonia: a study using a functional atlas based on non-linear image registration,” Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, vol. 93, pp. 17-24, Dec’ 2014.
- F. Phibbs, S. Pallavaram, C. Tolleson, P.-F. D’Haese, and B. M. Dawant, “Use of Efficacy Probability Maps for the Post-operative Programming of Deep Brain Stimulation in Essential Tremor,” Parkinsonism Relat Disord, vol. 20, pp. 1341-4, 2014.
- Y. Liu, P. E. Konrad, J. S. Neimat, S. B. Tatter, H. Yu, R. D. Datteri, B. A. Landman, J. H. Noble, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, and P.-F. D’Haese, “Multi-Surgeon, Multi-Site Validation of a Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Deep Brain Stimulation Procedures,” IEEE Trans. in Biomed. Engineering, vol. 61, pp. 2479-87, May 2014.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, C. Kao, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Effect of data normalization on the creation of neuro probabilistic atlases,” Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, vol. 91 (3), p. 148:153, 2013.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, R. Li, M. S. Remple, C. Kao, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “CranialVault and its CRAVE tools: a clinical computer assistance system for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy,” Med Image Anal., vol. 16, pp. 744-53, 2012.
- Y. Liu, B. M. Dawant, S. Pallavaram, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, P.-F. D’Haese, R. Datteri, B. A. Landman, and J. H. Noble, “A surgeon specific automatic path planning algorithm for deep brain stimulation,” SPIE Medical Imaging, Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, vol. 8316, p. 83161D, 2012.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, T. Goble, C. Oluigbo, P. Agrawal, A. Taghva, K. Philip, C. Kao, J. S. Neimat, A. Rezai, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Value of multi-center collaboration towards building electrophysiological atlases,” in Proc. of the Workshop on Deep Brain Stimulation Methodological Challenges (DBSMC), Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv (MICCAI), Nice, France, 2012.
- K. Sun, W. J. Rodriguez, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, and M. I. Miga, “Optimizing the Delivery of Deep Brain Stimulation Using Electrophysiological Atlases and an Inverse Modeling Approach,” SPIE, Medical Imaging, vol. 8316-108, 2012.
- R. Datteri, S. Pallavaram, P. E. Konrad, J. S. Neimat, P.-F. D’Haese, and B. M. Dawant, “Potential predictors for the amount of intra-operative brain shift during deep brain stimulation surgery,” SPIE Medical Imaging: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Modeling, vol. 7964, p. 79640T (DOI: 10.1117/12.878504), 2011.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, P. E. Konrad, J. S. Neimat, J. M. Fitzpatrick, and B. M. Dawant, “Clinical accuracy of a customized stereotactic platform for deep-brain stimulation after accounting for brain shift,” Stereotact Funct Neurosurg., vol. 88, pp. 81:87, 2010.
- P.-F. D’Haese, R. Li, S. Pallavaram, T. Shanks, P. Zahos, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Early clinical evaluation of a computer assisted planning system for deep brain surgeries: 1 year of clinical assistance,” in Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions (IPCAI), Geneva, Switzerland, 2010, p. 190:199.
- S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, M. Remple, J. S. Neimat, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and P.-F. D’Haese, “Effect of brain shift on the creation of functional atlases for deep brain stimulation surgery ” Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg., vol. 5 (3), p. 221:228, 2010.
- S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, T. Koyama, H. Yu, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, and P.-F. D’Haese, “Validation of a fully automatic method for the routine selection of the anterior and posterior commissures in MR images,” Stereotact Funct Neurosurg, vol. 87, pp. 148:154, 2009.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, M. Remple, J. S. Neimat, C. Kao, R. Li, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Detecting brain shift during deep brain stimulation surgery using intra-operative data and functional atlases: a preliminary study,” IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI): From Nano to Macro, p. 362:365, 2009.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, M. Remple, J. S. Neimat, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “A method to correct for brain shift when building electrophysiological atlases for deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery,” Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. (MICCAI, London), 12th, vol. 5761, p. 557:564, 2009.
- S. Pallavaram, H. Yu, J. Spooner, P.-F. D’Haese, B. Bodenheimer, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Inter-surgeon variability in the selection of anterior and posterior commissures and its potential effects on target localization,” Stereotact Funct Neurosurg., vol. 86:2, pp. 113:119, 2008.
- S. Pallavaram, P. F. D’Haese, C. Kao, H. Yu, M. Remple, J. Neimat, P. Konrad, and B. Dawant, “A new method for creating electrophysiological maps for DBS surgery and their application to surgical guidance,” Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv, vol. 11, pp. 670-7, 2008.
- S. Pallavaram, H. Yu, J. Spooner, P.-F. D’Haese, T. Koyama, B. Bodenheimer, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Automated selection of anterior and posterior commissures based on a deformable atlas and its evaluation based on manual selections by neurosurgeons,” in SPIE Medical Imaging. vol. 6509 San Diego, USA, 2007, p. 65091C:1:9.
- B. M. Dawant, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, R. Li, H. Yu, J. Spooner, T. Davis, C. Kao, and P. E. Konrad, “The VU-DBS project: integrated and computer-assisted planning, intra-operative placement, and post-operative programming of deep-brain stimulators,” in Proc. of SPIE Medical Imaging: Visualization and Image-Guided Procedures. vol. 6509, 2007, p. 650907.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, H. Yu, J. Spooner, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Deformable Physiological Atlas-Based Programming of Deep Brain Stimulators: A Feasibility Study,” Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Workshop on Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR), vol. 4057, p. 144:150, 2006.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, K. Niermann, J. Spooner, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Automatic selection of DBS target points using multiple electrophysiological atlases,” Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv. (MICCAI), 8th, vol. 3750, pp. 427-434, 2005.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Computer-aided placement of deep brain stimulators: from planning to intra-operative guidance,” Proc. SPIE 5744, Medical Imaging 2005: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, pp. 345:353 (April 20, 2005); doi:10.1117/12.594866.
- S. Pallavaram, M. Carli, J. Berger, A. Neri, and S. K. Mitra, “Spot identification in microarray images using Gauss-Laguerre wavelets,” in IEEE Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 2004.
Conference Abstracts
- C. Wu, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, P. E. Konrad, and A. Sharan, “Deep Brain Stimulator Electrode Position Requires Critical Analysis in Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus for Epilepsy,” in 12th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS), Montreal, Canada, June 6-11, 2015, p. (in review).
- P. J. Hamer, D. M. Nielson, S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, A. Rezai, and P. Sederberg, “Mapping motor outcome to the subthalamic nucleus to improve deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease,” in Health Care, Career and Commerce (H3C) Innovation Conference, Mumbai, India, Jan’ 15-18, 2015.
- W. Lake, C. Kao, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, P.-F. D’Haese, J. S. Neimat, and P. E. Konrad, “Comparison of Subthalamic Nucleus Size in Men and Women Undergoing Deep Brain Stimulator Placement for Parkinson’s Disease ” in North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), Las Vegas, USA, Dec’ 11-14, 2014.
- F. Phibbs, S. Pallavaram, C. Tolleson, P.-F. D’Haese, and B. M. Dawant, “Use of Efficacy Probability Maps for the Post-operative Programming of DBS for Essential Tremor,” in 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden, 2014.
- M. Sharma, S. Pallavaram, M. Brown, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, M. Deogaonkar, and A. Rezai, “Validation of Cranial Vault framework based on post-operative programming data following Deep brain stimulation surgery in patients with Parkinson’s disease,” in North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), Las Vegas, USA, Dec’ 11-14, 2014.
- H. Yu, C. Kao, S. Pallavaram, W. J. Rodriguez, P.-F. D’Haese, T. Davis, F. Phibbs, C. Tolleson, P. Hedera, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “Simultaneous multiple electrode stimulation may be a more effective tremor control therapy,” in North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), Las Vegas, USA, Dec’ 11-14, 2014.
- C. Tolleson, S. Pallavaram, C. Li, J. Fang, F. Phibbs, P. E. Konrad, P. Hedera, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, and T. Davis, “The optimum pallidal target in deep brain stimulation for dystonia: A study using a functional atlas,” in 18th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-12, 2014.
- S. Pallavaram, F. Phibbs, P. Hedera, C. Tolleson, W. J. Rodriguez, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, and T. L. Davis, “A 3D Gyroscope better suited than a 3D Accelerometer for measuring tremor,” in The Movement Disorders Society 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Dublin, Ireland, 2012.
- S. Pallavaram, F. Phibbs, P. Hedera, C. Tolleson, W. J. Rodriguez, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, and T. L. Davis, “Change In Root Mean Square Value Of Tremor Recording Correlates Strongly With Subjective Clinical Assessment,” in The Movement Disorders Society 16th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Dublin, Ireland, 2012 June.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, C. Kao, M. S. Remple, C. R. Camalier, J. S. Neimat, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “Relative locations of efficacy, paresthesia and dysarthria for Vim-DBS in Essential Tremor patients based on probabilistic maps populated using non-rigid registration,” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) biennial Meeting San Francisco, USA, 2012.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, T. Goble, P. Agrawal, A. Taghva, K. Philip, E. Yeremeyeva, C. Kao, J. S. Neimat, A. Rezai, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Value of multi-center collaboration towards building more complete electrophysiological atlases using non-rigid image registration,” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) biennial meeting San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012.
- C. Kao, S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Intraoperative VIM DBS spatial summation effects along horizontal axis in ET patients,” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN); Biennial Meeting San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012 June.
- T. Goble, S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, A. Taghva, C. Oluigbo, K. Philip, H. Chen, P. Agrawal, E. Yeremeyeva, N. Villelli, B. M. Dawant, and A. Rezai, ” Macrostimulation during STN DBS surgery:Guidance for final implant position with respect to the motor internal capsule,” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN); Biennial Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012 June.
- D. Campbell, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, S. Garg, B. M. Dawant, P. E. Konrad, M. Siddiqui, I. ul Haq, T. Ellis, and S. Tatter, ” Targeting subthalamic nucleus using non-rigid registration in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s disease (submitted),” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN); Biennial Meeting. San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012 June.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, T. Goble, K. Philip, A. Taghva, C. Oluigbo, P. Agrawal, B. M. Dawant, and A. Rezai, “Correlating Statistical Maps of Contraction due to Stimulation and the Optimal Implant Position for Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation with the Anatomy,” in American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS), Annual Scientific Meeting Miami, FL, 2012.
- C. R. Camalier, W. J. Jermakowicz, S. Pallavaram, C. C. Kao, M. S. Remple, P. E. Konrad, and J. S. Neimat, “Evaluation of firing rate and spatial extent as a predictor of final tract choice during multi-pass deep brain stimulation electrode implantation of the STN,” in North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2011, Dec’.
- M. M. Neimat, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, P. E. Konrad, C. Kao, M. S. Remple, C. Camalier, B. M. Dawant, and J. S. Neimat, “Computer Normalization Algorithms Predict Optimal Physiological Targets in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery,” in North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS), Annual Meeting Las Vegas, Neveda, 2011.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, J. S. Neimat, T. Davis, F. Phibbs, M. Cooper, P. Hedera, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “Focal efficacy seen consistently in essential tremor (ET) patients undergoing vim deep brain stimulation (DBS),” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) New York, NY, USA, 2010.
- M. S. Remple, P.-F. D’Haese, J. I. Franck, S. Pallavaram, P. Perrin, and B. M. Dawant, “Pneumocephalus and lead displacement during deep brain stimulator implant surgery: an intraoperative CT study,” in American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring Vancouver, Canada, 2009.
- M. Remple, C. Kao, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, P. E. Konrad, J. S. Neimat, J. I. Franck, and B. M. Dawant, “Lessons learned from the creation of an electrophysiological atlas for deep brain stimulation (DBS),” in American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring (ASNM) annual meeting, Special interest group presentation Vancouver, Canada, 2009.
- S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, M. Remple, J. S. Neimat, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and P.-F. D’Haese, “Effect of brain shift on the creation of functional atlases for deep brain stimulation surgery,” in Computer Aided Radiology and Surgery (CARS), Germany, 2009.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, M. S. Remple, J. S. Neimat, C. Kao, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Effect of intra-operative brain shift on populating electrophysiological atlases of somatotopy recordings in DBS surgeries,” in World Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (WSSFN) Toronto, Canada, 2009.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, J. S. Neimat, P. E. Konrad, J. M. Fitzpatrick, and B. M. Dawant, “Customized stereotactic frame accuracy measurement accounting for brain shift,” in World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (WSSFN) Toronto, Canada, 2009.
- H. Yu, B. P. Rosenbaum, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, P. Dumpuri, B. M. Dawant, J. S. Neimat, and P. E. Konrad, “Predicting Brain Shift in Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery,” in American Society for Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008.
- H. Yu, P.-F. D’Haese, T. Koyama, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, J. S. Neimat, and P. E. Konrad, “Automated Algorithm Selects Anterior and Posterior Commissure Points Better than Experienced Neurosurgeons,” in American Society for Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008.
- B. P. Rosenbaum, P.-F. D’Haese, H. Yu, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, J. S. Neimat, and P. E. Konrad, “Brain Shift during Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Correlates Directly to Pneumocephalus and Inversely to Age,” in American Society of Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Biennial meeting Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008.
- M. S. Remple, S. Pallavaram, C. Kao, P.-F. D’Haese, J. S. Neimat, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “The relationship between subthalamic nucleus (STN) somatotopy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) efficacy and side effect maps: an atlas study,” in Society for Neuroscience (SFN) Washington D.C., USA, 2008.
- M. Remple, S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, B. M. Dawant, and J. S. Neimat, “Organization of sensorimotor responses in the human subthalamic nucleus (STN),” in American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring (ASNM) Vancouver, Canada, 2008.
- J. S. Neimat, S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, C. Kao, H. Yu, M. S. Remple, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Computerized brain atlas provides anatomic prediction of stimulation efficacy in patients undergoing deep brain stimulation(DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus(STN),” in American Society for Sterotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2008.
- H. Yu, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “The use of a functional atlas for automated targeting in deep brain stimulation surgery,” in Southern Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting Sea Island, GA, USA, 2007.
- A. Sathyanarayanan, S. Pallavaram, R. Bodenheimer, K. Robinson, B. M. Dawant, and T. L. Davis, “Quantification of Movement Using a Nintendo Wii Remote,” in American Neurological Association (ANA) Washington D.C., USA, 2007.
- A. B. Conrad, T. L. Davis, P. E. Konrad, B. M. Dawant, S. Pallavaram, and M. Gensheimer, “Ventricular Volume Associations With Transient Encephalopathy Following Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery,” in American Academy of Neurology (AAN) conference Boston, MA, USA, 2007.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, H. Yu, J. Spooner, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Internet portal for computer aided deep brain stimulation therapy: from target planning to programming,” in Movement Disorders – 10th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Kyoto, Japan, 2006, Oct’ 28-Nov’ 2.
- S. Pallavaram, P.-F. D’Haese, B. Bodenheimer, J. Spooner, H. Yu, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Automated selection of anterior and posterior commissures based on a deformable atlas can remove variability in the current frame of reference used for stereotactic neurosurgical procedures,” in American Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Biennial meeting Boston, MA, USA, 2006, June 1-4.
- J. Spooner, H. Yu, P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, B. M. Dawant, and P. E. Konrad, “Fully automated deep brain stimulation target selection better than traditional methods,” in American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (ASSFN) Boston, MA, USA, 2006.
- P.-F. D’Haese, S. Pallavaram, H. Yu, J. Spooner, P. E. Konrad, and B. M. Dawant, “Automated selection of programming parameters for Deep Brain Stimulators based on a probabilistic atlas,” in The Movement Disorder Society’s 10th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Kyoto, Japan, 2006.
- M. Rice, R. G. Golledge, D. Jacobson, D. Jones, and S. Pallavaram, “Evaluating Shapes Via a Non-Visual Computer Interface,” in Association of American Geographers (AAG) 100th Annual Conference Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2004.
- M. Rice, R. G. Golledge, D. Jacobson, D. Jones, and S. Pallavaram, “Axis Scalling and Symbolization Issues for Haptic Map,” in 100th Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2004.
- M. Rice, D. Jacobson, R. G. Golledge, D. Jones, and S. Pallavaram, “Object Size Discrimination and Non-visual Cartographic Symbolization,” in Web Proceedings, American Congress of Surveying and Mapping, Annual Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 2003.
- D. Jacobson, M. Rice, R. G. Golledge, D. Jones, P. Hayward, and S. Pallavaram, “Cartographic Symbolization Issues for Haptic and Auditory Map Interfaces,” in Association of American Geographers (AAG) 99th Annual Conference New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003.
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