Unix and Scheduler FAQs

ACCRE’s FAQ is here.


Look first for ACCRE resources. ACCRE offers an “Intro to UNIX” course about twice a month, and the course website has useful slides.

Q. I would like another user (e.g. a graduate student) to have read, write, or execute access to a folder I own (e.g my /home or /scratch folders).

A. First, you’ll need to share a group with the user (see separate question below). Second, your folders are likely owned by your user, not the group you belong to. Give access to the files or folders to the (now shared) group (of course this can have other implications, such as the new user being able to delete, etc. your files).

Info on UNIX permissions.
More info on UNIX permissions.
Tool to help with permission codes.

To give full read, write and execute permissions to users in your group on your directories, (and read/write permissions on files), change directory to the folder where you want to change permissions (e.g. cd /home/yourusernamehere) and type

find . -type d -exec chmod g+rwx {} \;
find . -type f -exec chmod g+rw {} \;

Note: it may be that the directories/files that you want to share are not attached to the group you share with the user you’d like to be sharing with. To change the group that a directory (and all its subdirectories and files) is attached to, cd to that directory and then type:

chgrp -R yourgroupnamehere .

(note the period at the end)

Q. How do I know what “groups” I or another user is a member of?

A. If the user is janedoe:

$ groups janedoe

Q: I am a faculty member with my own “group” on ACCRE and I’d like to add a user (e.g. a graduate student) to my group so that the user can use my resources. What’s the first step?

A: Place a help-request first. You will be asked to email an ACCRE officer, probably Carie Lee Kennedy, with the request.


Scheduler (SLURM)


Q. I am a member of more than one group, each with distinct cluster allocations. How do I submit a job that requests resources from an allocation that is not my default?

A. If your secondary group is called “my_second_group”, add the following line to your SLURM script:

#SBATCH –acount=my_second_group

Other software

ACCRE maintains How-Tos for Matlab, Python, R, and Ruby. See here.

Thanks to Will French and Charles Johnson at ACCRE who first responded to the above questions!