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SSMV Welcomes New Instructors

Posted by on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 in News.

Two new postdoctoral teaching fellows have joined the team of SSMV instructors.

Dr. Stephanie Weeden-Wright received her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt in Electrical Engineering and discovered how much she enjoyed teaching while volunteering to teach engineering workshops to high school students during graduate school. She is full-time instructor with the SSMV.




Dr. Marci Howdyshell received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in Physics. During graduate school, Dr. Howdyshell co-founded an outreach program to send university scientists, including herself, into K-12 classrooms to teach and found that that was where she wanted to be! Dr. Howdyshell will split her time between the SSMV classroom and the Interdisciplinary Science and Research classroom at Stratford High School.



We look forward to the new ideas and projects our new instructors have to share with the students.

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