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Research Highlights

Posted by on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 in CSET 2100.

Faster Internet from Spreading out Data

“Samara University scientists develop method to increase internet speeds by spreading tasks between multiple data centers”

Russian (Samara University) and American (U. of Missouri) scientists developed new networking methods that could satisfy the needs of today’s incredible data flow. In order to achieve the higher speeds, the scientists developed an algorithm that takes a given data task and splits the workload across several different data centers. This way, the task is being done concurrently at several sites that can all process less data individually, making the task more time efficient. The researchers, led by Andrei Sukhov said they focused on making the algorithm “scalable and flexible,” to allow for a plethora of uses.

With up and coming fields like bioinformatics and quantum engineering, the need for high-speed networks is higher than ever.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

DOI:  10.1109/TNSM.2018.2865204


Semi-Artificial Photosynthesis Creates Solar Energy

“Cambridge scientists harness the energy production power of photosynthesis with man-made technology”

Scientists of the Reisner Laboratory at St John’s College, Cambridge University were able to successfully utilize the hydrogen splitting that occurs during photosynthesis into renewable solar energy. They use semi-artificial technology, meaning that they use a combination of synthetic and organic plant cells. One of the researchers, Katarzyna Sokó, explains that their method is actually more productive than natural photosynthesis, as natural photosynthesis produces the bare minimum amount of energy require for a plant to sustain itself.  The researchers were also able to replicate hydrogenase, a process present in algae, which converts protons into hydrogen which can be used for energy.

With this process, Solar becomes closer and closer to bringing us towards total clean energy usage.

Nature Energy

DOI: 10.1038/s41560-018-0232-y