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CSET 2100 Category

Can We Stop Aging? Should We?

Dec. 11, 2018—Below is the link to a podcast in which I explore the mechanisms behind aging and the ways in which to stop them. I also explore the ethics of such a decision.

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Why do the leaves change? (video)

Dec. 11, 2018—Below is the link to a video that explains how and why leaves change in Autumn and Winter. Enjoy!

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Dec. 11, 2018—Below is the link to a podcast profiling Tycho Brahe, a Danish astronomer from the 16th century

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Being Funny (or trying to)

Dec. 11, 2018—  A spotlight turns on and shines in my face. I slightly recoil, then look down at the audience. I look to my right and see a sign that reads “open-mic comedy night!” in neon colors. I tap the mic a few times, and the vibrations glide through the wires and the frequency is shot...

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“C’mon Martian microbe, do you live under a rock?” Actually, yes.

Dec. 11, 2018—  Researchers have discovered, using precise computer modeling, that the chemical composition of Mars’s subsurface during the Noachian period was conducive for potential microbial life. The concentrations of water, hydrogen, and various radioactive elements allowed for the area underneath the red planet’s sand to be the perfect home for microorganisms. If the model is accurate,...

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Q&A With Dr. Keivan Stassun

Dec. 11, 2018—  Dr. Keivan Stassun is a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Vanderbilt University. He is one of the directors of the recently launched TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission. The mission is one of multiple exoplanet-hunting programs. Dr. Stassun’s team was tasked with finding which stars the satellite was going to measure using the...

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Research Highlights

Dec. 11, 2018—Faster Internet from Spreading out Data “Samara University scientists develop method to increase internet speeds by spreading tasks between multiple data centers” Russian (Samara University) and American (U. of Missouri) scientists developed new networking methods that could satisfy the needs of today’s incredible data flow. In order to achieve the higher speeds, the scientists developed...

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