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Step 4: Review, Reimagine, Repeat

Posted by on Sunday, November 11, 2018 in Posts.

Now, the foundations have been laid for acquiring and retaining customers for a new sportsbook, but it is not the time to be complacent in the approach. While there is still more time until sports betting is legalized in more regions, our clients must continue to build their databases and promote their brands. Using many of the tools we set in place earlier, we can help our clients do better and gain brand loyalty by improving our offerings. Therefore, step 4 is…


Step 4: Review, Reimagine, Repeat


There are a number of key data points collected through the free-to-play games and email process that help us reinvent the client offering to attract and keep more customers. This kicks off the Review stage, compiling these different sources and analyzing the data. Some of these sources are Google Analytics for page views and clicks, Game entries, and Sendgrid which is the email delivery system so we can see open and click rates. When thinking forward to the Reimagine stage, we need to think about how to get more plays on the games, how to better promote the brand, and how to get more opens and clicks on emails. In the picture below, we can see how many users played each game in the past week, which lets us see sports and game type preferences in order to cater to this in the future.

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This also gives us valuable insight on which prize packages are most popular, so that the client knows which will attract the most players. Obviously the games with way more valuable prizes will get more play, but when they switch up prizes that are comparable in value, it is important for the client to see what the consumer prefers.


The image below is from Sendgrid, showing important email statistics:

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As you can see, this lets us know for each email sent out the percentage of emails delivered, open, and clicked through. This way, after experimenting with different subject lines, promotions, and imagery, we can customize emails to get the most user response. In the last step I mentioned that Customer Retention is just as important as promotion, and we must keep getting better in order to continue to retain these customers over time. Though at the same time, it is important to keep adding value through gaining customers. We can use customer-specific information from Google Analytics in order to innovate our process. For example, the picture below shows the location for our BetChicago users.

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Knowing that over 80% of BetChicago users are in Chicago in extremely helpful. From this, we created a new game that prompts the player to guess the correct score of every Chicago Blackhawks game on the day (pictured below). So far, user response has been great on this game as we are specifically delivering it for this audience. Innovations like these are extremely important to stay up to date on.

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The last stage of this step is Repeat. Our offerings to our clients are continuous, and the first three steps will occur at the same time after initial setup. Thus, we must always be reviewing and reimagining our process to be better. In my next and final post, I will demonstrate the last move, from free-to-play to live sportsbook with the help of Chalkline Sports.