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Step 5: Data Delivery

Posted by on Friday, November 23, 2018 in Posts.

To review all I’ve walked through so far, the intent of this blog was to show the process of using the assets of a digital media company to transform it into a live sportsbook. The first four steps of the process, Free-to-Play Games and Analytics Set-Up, Promotion and Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, and Review, Reimagine, and Repeat, are cyclical and will occur in tandem over a period of time. Until proper legislation is in place, a company can’t truly open up a live sportsbook. Though since this legislation is rapidly changing around the country, it’s a smart idea to be prepared for when the moment comes. First market movers, especially in a heavily loyalty-based industry, are extremely important for market share. Having said that, this brings me to the final step, Data Delivery.


Step 5: Data Delivery


Step 5 can happen during the cycle, but also could completely end the process. From the standpoint of a marketing agency working with a client, one needs to prove that they can deliver results throughout the process. For this reason, it is important to package and deliver data collected to show your worth. In the last posts, I included screenshots of a lot of different forms of data. Data collected through the games, emails, and analytics tracking can all have different levels of worth to the client. It is important to understand what’s important to the client, and continuously deliver this to them in a creative manner. Below is an example for BetChicago in one quarter.



Keeping the client informed will remind them of the value you are adding to their business, while also making them more confident in their ability to invest more in working towards a live sportsbook. Though looking at the above results, these are more useful to show the good work you’ve been doing. From the client perspective, all that matters in the end are the user profiles built. This is the part that could seemingly end the process.


Once a company is legally allowed and ready to go live, it is time to deliver the user profiles. I can’t give an example for BetChicago since sports betting is not legal yet in Illinois, but I did work on another case that recently just went live. Tropicana Sports, of Tropicana Atlantic City, had been working with Chalkline for a while before sports betting was legalized in New Jersey. Just a few weeks ago, they launched a live sportsbook. On this day, we sent them a spreadsheet with over 7,000 user profiles including valuable information like email address, mobile number, state of residence, age, sport preferences, and bet preferences. This sets them a mile ahead of their competition, since they already have a customer database familiar with their brand. This is the vision for BetChicago, that they will be able to support initial startup costs on a sportsbook because they will already have loyal customers.


This marks the end of my blog. I hope that it was interesting and informative, and I’d be happy to answer any questions through the “Contact Me” page on the site.