
Published Manuscripts

Preschool Classroom Processes as Predictors of Children’s Cognitive Self-Regulation Skills Development

This article in School Psychology Quarterly focuses on the associations between interactive processes in early childhood classrooms and gains in children’s cognitive self-regulation across the preschool year.

Technical Reports

Tools Final Technical Report September 2015

This report details study findings from both cohorts (1 & 2) and includes information from both child assessments and classroom observations.

Tools Final Fidelity Technical Report September 2015

This report provides a more in-depth look at the fidelity of implementation data from the classroom observations, trainer ratings, and teacher surveys for cohorts 1 and 2.

Reports to Curriculum Developers

Throughout the course of this project, interim reports were provided to the curriculum developers to assist them in evaluating the implementation of the curriculum in the participating classrooms. Since these reports were generated mid-project, the data may vary slightly from the data in the final technical reports.

Technical Report to Tools Developers August 2011

Technical Report to Tools Trainers September 2011

Technical Report to Tools Developers February 2012

Presentation to Developers June 2012

Working Papers

Achievement and Self-Regulation in Pre-Kindergarten Classrooms: Effects of the Tools of the Mind Curriculum

This article explores the impact of the Tools of the Mind curriculum on children’s achievement, self-regulation, and social behavior. Submitted to Child Development


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This research study is being funded by a grant from the US Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (Grant R305E090009). Drs. Dale Farran, Mark Lipsey and Sandra Wilson of the Peabody Research Institute at Vanderbilt University are conducting this five-year study.
Training and coaching support for Tools of the Mind was funded through a sub-award to each of the developers, Dr. Deborah Leong and Dr. Elena Bodrova,Tools of the Mind Third Sector New England (TSNE).