

Promundo, an organization founded in 1997 in Brazil, works to end violence against women in the country by creating and enacting programming aimed at getting all citizens involved in the fight for gender justice. The organization utilizes national and local government funding along with donations from other aid organizations to research issues specific to vulnerable populations within Brazil. Although Promundo is technically local to Brazil, it works in concert with other organizations in the United States, Portugal, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to promote gender equality in over 40 countries. Our group chose to focus on Promundo’s work because of the organization’s incredible work within Brazil as well as their broad influence in other nations. 


Promundo has five programs dedicated specifically to ending violence both in the country and globally: It’s Exploitation, Prevention+, Manhood 2.0, Program P, and Violence-Free Childhood. These programs are all based on years of research done both in and outside of Brazil; Promundo’s large network of partnerships allows the organization to utilize global findings in their programming in order to maintain the highest possible levels of success.

Launched in 2014, It’s Exploitation works by raising awareness among Brazilian men and male tourists about the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in Brazil. The program was launched in response to research linking the ideals of rigid masculinity with the exploitation of young girls. Two sub-programs, Program H and Program M, work to educate Brazilian boys and girls, respectively, about unhealthy gender norms in an effort to protect the next generation from exploitation and abuse.

Prevention+ is a five year program aimed at educating men and women about healthy relationships. The program, which runs in Indonesia, Pakistan, Rwanda, and Uganda, as well as in parts of the Middle East and North Africa region, is led by activists from Rutgers, Sonke Gender Justice, and Promundo, and funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Developed by Promundo and the University of Pittsburgh and launched in 2002, Manhood 2.0 works to engage men ages 15-24 in the United States in the dismantling of harmful gender stereotypes. By utilizing such activities as arts-based therapy, role-playing, and peer-to-peer discussion, the program aims to challenge harmful gender norms. The program currently serves young men in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.

Program P is an educational program for men about how to be healthy, present fathers. By working with fathers and couples through role-playing and open discussion, the program aims to educate attendees about the positive impact of present fathers on decreasing violence against women. The program was developed in partnership with Puntos de Encuentro in Nicaragua, CulturaSalud in Chile, and the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Supported by the Dutch Foreign Ministry, Program P has been adapted in Brazil, Indonesia, Rwanda, and South Africa in both rural and urban settings. The program has also been launched in 11 other nations, although these are not listed formally on the website.

Launched in 2005, Violence-Free Childhood works to educate parents about children’s rights and the effects of abusive, unhealthy parenting. Utilizing an educational curriculum, Ending Corporal and Humiliating Punishment, this program provides activities designed to promote healthy ideas about parenting in an effort to prevent childhood abuse and end the cycle of violence.

Although not linked on their violence prevention page, MenCare and MenCare+ are two large programs Promundo offers to educate men on harmful gender stereotypes and violence against women.

Promundo has several more programs regarding Health and Equity, Conflict and Security, Economic Justice, Fatherhood and Caregiving, Research for Action, and Youth and Equality.


Promundo works with many partner organizations, including the United Nations, the World Bank, the World Health Association, and many national governments.


Promundo offers online resources including publications of their data specific to individual countries, ally guides, and more, all available for free download. Over 28 pages of resources make Promundo accessible to the global community, even in countries without active Promundo programming.

The link to Promundo’s official website can be found below.

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