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Meet a USAC Member: Sean Hansbrough

Posted by on Friday, March 5, 2021 in Meet a USAC Member.

Meet a USAC Member

What department do you work in and what is your job title?
I work in VUIT as an Associate IT Project Manager.

How long have you been a Vanderbilt employee?
I have been with Vanderbilt for 8 years.

What do you enjoy most about Vanderbilt?
I enjoy the fact that the work we do has an impact on the lives of our students.  It is nice to walk around campus and see the results of the work we do.

What is the best perk you have ever had at a job?
When I was a ski instructor at Vail Mountain I could ski as much as I wanted on my days off!

If you could visit any country with no budget, where would you visit?
New Zealand.  It is on my bucket list to see the location where The Lord of the Rings movies were filmed.

What are you most proud of in your life thus far?
I am most proud of becoming a Dad –my son turned 1 this month!

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
I like to hike and really enjoy discovering new hiking trails around Tennessee.  One of my favorite places to go hiking is at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

What skill or talent would you most like to learn?
I would like to take up woodworking someday once I have the space for all the tools.  My uncle restores historical properties and I have enjoyed seeing the things he is able to make.