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Executive Director of Campus Dining, David ter Kuile, Speaks with USAC

Posted by on Thursday, June 13, 2019 in News.

Executive Director of Campus Dining, David ter Kuile
Executive Director of Campus Dining, David ter Kuile

At USAC’s June meeting, David ter Kuile, Executive Director of Campus Dining, shared updates coming across Dining’s 17 campus locations.

Several changes—including new menu options, the elimination of plastic straws and bags at all dining locations, and the conversion of disposable cups, containers, flatware, and napkins to compostable material—have already occurred. Looking ahead, the summer and upcoming academic year will see the renovation and conversion of the Highland Munchie Mart to a “Whole Foods” business model, a dish room installed in Kissam, dining seating packages offered in Warren and Moore Great Rooms, the return of Chef James to Rand for lunch, mobile ordering options in Local Java and the Pub, and the faculty/staff meal plan special being offered prior to the start of the school year.

During his presentation, ter Kuile outlined Campus Dining’s steps to reduce overall waste such as making reusable bags available for purchase at cashier stands, replacing trash cans with compose bins in Rand, Commons, and the Pub to ensure food and disposables are composted, installing the Lean Path food waste prevention system in dining halls along with monitors to display waste data, removing all bottled water and soda from markets and vending machines (reusable water bottles will be available for purchase in Munchie Marts), and installing additional hydration stations at various dining locations.

Campus Dining is a university-managed auxiliary service fully supported through meal plan, retail, commission, and catering sales and it plays in shaping the campus experience and culture by creating environments that facilitate social engagement and serving wholesome, nourishing food. More information about Campus Dining options and operations can be found here.

A video of ter Kuile’s presentation can be found via the USAC website.

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