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Meet a USAC Member: Alana Gilmore

Posted by on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 in Meet a USAC Member.

Picture1What department do you work in and what is your job title?

Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Innovation

Executive Assistant

How long have you been a Vanderbilt employee?

2.5 years

How long have you been a part of USAC and how has it impacted you?

I have been a member of USAC for a little over a year. By being a part of USAC, I’ve met so many amazing people across campus. I started working at Vandy in 2021 while everyone was still primarily working remote, so I did not know many people outside of my direct team and their Zoom squares. Through USAC, I have been able to deeply connect with the Vanderbilt community and learn more about the impactful work going on in every division. The people at Vanderbilt (and USAC) are one of my favorite parts of working here!

What is one important skill every person should have?


What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress?

My favorite way to relieve stress is through some sort of movement. A quick walk around the block without looking at a device, yoga/stretching before bed – really anything to help center me back with myself. My favorite, though, is going to my gym, Fit Factory! The people there always brighten my day, and the practice of challenging and moving my body is so refreshing.

Are you more productive at night or in the morning? Do you think it is possible to change and get used to a new schedule?

I tend to be more productive in the mid-morning, especially for creative tasks such as writing. I also get a second wind around 10pm, so I have been known to reorganize my closet or put together an Ikea bed at midnight by myself.

I think it is possible to change your schedule, it just takes repetition and time (and lots of patience — you didn’t get into your current routine overnight!)

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An optometrist! Then I got to high school and quickly learned that I did not enjoy (nor was I good at) biology and chemistry, so I let that dream drift away…

If you could visit any country with no budget, where would you visit?

France! I went for the first time in 2019 and fell in love with the culture. I would love to explore it more, especially the Champagne region and the Côte d’Azur.

What is your favorite type of music?

Indie-pop, Americana, Singer-Songwriter. Some of my favorites include JOSEPH, David Ramirez, Penny and Sparrow, John Mayer, Jon Bellion, Taylor Swift, Brother and the Hayes.


What has been your favorite vacation you have ever been on?

In 2019, my brother and I went to Europe (London, Oxford, Paris, Amsterdam) for the first time, and it was so amazing! I had a couple of friends living abroad that summer, so we had “locals” in every city that made it so special and fun. 10/10, would recommend.

What are you most proud of in your life thus far?

My niece and nephew (they are my everything), and my relationships with my family and friends.

Name two things you consider yourself to be good at?

People/connection and Hospitality

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

Reading a book and drinking coffee on a porch in the late fall/early winter. There is nothing better than a slow morning and crisp weather.

What skill or talent would you most like to learn?

How to play the cello (so beautiful!) or watercolor paint.

If you had an extra hour each day, how would you spend it?

Reading – I always want to read before bed, but I end up watching a new show (The Bear, Season 2!) and then end up fall asleep 4 minutes into reading.