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Meet a USAC Member: Christine Fogg

Posted by on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 in Meet a USAC Member.

Christine FoggWhat department do you work in and what is your job title?

I work in Facilities supporting VUMO and EHS&S as a Senior Financial Analyst.

How long have you been a Vanderbilt employee?

I have worked at Vanderbilt for 8 ½ years and have been in Facilities the entire time!

How long have you been a part of USAC and how has it impacted you?

This is my second year in USAC. I love getting to connect with individuals from all areas of campus to work together to make Vanderbilt a better place for staff.

What is the greatest bit of advice a parent or mentor has given you?

Be kind to each other. It’s so simple, but it’s the easiest thing we can do.

What do you enjoy doing to relieve stress?

I do Crossfit and go hiking with my husband and dogs. These are the my top stress relievers!

What has been your favorite vacation you have ever been on?

Probably Colorado Springs, Colorado. Colorado has so many beautiful hiking spots!

What is your favorite outdoor activity?

My favorite outdoor activity is hiking or going to a baseball game (go Braves!). We go hiking most weekends with our dogs and it always clears my mind. There’s just something about the fresh air and a little exercise that always makes me feel amazing.

What is something on your bucket list?

Travel outside of the US! I haven’t yet, but I hope to one day!

What skill or talent would you most like to learn?

I sometimes wish I was a chef or had their skills! I can cook pretty basic things, but I wish I was good at getting in the kitchen and just throwing dishes together.