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Vice Chancellor Eric Kopstain Leads a Discussion about FutureVU

Posted by on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 in News.

Kopstain_EricAt its April meeting, USAC welcomed Eric Kopstain, Vice Chancellor for Administration. In his role, Kopstain oversees a number of University functions including facilities, human resources, equal employment opportunity, title IX, student access services, public safety, business services, and contract and grant accounting. Under the Administration umbrella, Kopstain’s team also spearheads FutureVU, a multi-year initiative that embodies the university’s core values and holistic approach to teaching, research, and service.

During his discussion, Kopstain provided updates on the completion of a $23.6 million building expansion at the School of Nursing and efforts to increase accessibility in the historic Peabody neighborhood. Kosptain also spoke at length about the expansion of FutureVU to move beyond land use and physical resources into human elements of the university including diversity and inclusion, sustainability, and engagement with surrounding communities. Several committees have been formed to better understand community views and in the coming months, you can expect to continue seeing surveys and town halls about key issues such as sexual harassment, employee satisfaction, equity and inclusion, transportation and mobility, and family and child care resources. More information about the survey series can be found in the March 11, 2019 issue of myVU.

A video of Kopstain’s presentation can be found via the USAC website and more information about FutureVU can be found here.


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