Valor Tech

About Us

Aditya Karhade

A Biomedical Engineering and Neuroscience senior at Vanderbilt University, Aditya has research experience at University of Leipzig in Germany as a Max Kade Foundation Research Fellow and at the Shade Tree Clinic and in the Vanderbilt Laboratory for Bionanotechnology and Nanomedicine and the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Functional Neurosurgery as a Research Assistant. His skills include scientific writing, poster presentations, data analysis, leadership, service and mentoring.

J.R. Peacock

J.R. Peacock is a senior biomedical engineering student at Vanderbilt University. He has been involved in biomedical research since his freshman year, and has been a member of a mechanobiology laboratory at Vanderbilt since his sophomore year. J.R.’s experience with biomechanics will aid the team in achieving an accurate representation of haptic feedback in the surgery simulator. In addition, he has several years of personal experience with electronics design as well as fabrication with a variety of materials.

Madeline Tolish

Madeline Tolish is a senior at Vanderbilt University majoring in biomedical engineering and minoring in engineering management.  She has used these skills in experiences varying from research positions to a consulting internship.  Due to her love of planning, she has even pursued and achieved the credential of a Certified Associate in Project Management from the Project Management Institute.  Madeline will use these skills to aid the team in staying on schedule and facilitating communication between the team and the project advisors.

Fletcher Young

Fletcher Young is a senior at Vanderbilt University studying biomedical and electrical engineering. In addition to work in the classroom, he has been involved with numerous campus organizations and spent the summer as an intern at the Institute of Space and Defense Electronics creating diagnostic programs for circuit boards. He will be contributing experience in circuitry, biomechanics, and material fabrication.