Valor Tech

Work Plan


Our design process began with ideation sessions and brainstorming with our advisors. From these sessions, we generated several major tasks to begin our design process. The first task was to build an accurate 3D-printed model of the uterus and cervix. This model must be compatible with hysteroscope models that are currently in use. The next major task was to generate tasks for students to complete within the uterine model, as well as design quantitative feedback measurements for those tasks in order to assess student competence. At every step along the way, we have been gaining feedback from our advisors and medical residents. This feedback will be integral in refining our design in an iterative fashion. Lastly, we have been keeping excellent documentation throughout the entire design process.

Our goal by the end of the design period is to produce a functioning surgery simulator that has been tested with medical residents at Vanderbilt. With more time and user feedback, our product will improve throughout several iterations of design.  We believe our project will succeed because we have gathered a strong team to tackle a project within our unique skill sets. Our backgrounds in engineering, research, and industry have given us the tools to tackle this difficult problem, and we are motivated by the need for such a device in the field of gynecology. With the help of our accomplished advisors, we will be able to produce important deliverables by the end of the design period.