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October Reflections

Larry Gao

For my spiritual health this month, I decided to take it to the next level and share it with other people beyond just my accountability partner. I decided to give a talk on how my spiritual life has grown and changed from my sophomore year to my junior year, and how it is continuing to grow and improve to many of my closest friends at Vanderbilt through a talk. It has been encouraging for me to challenge myself spiritually by translating my spiritual thoughts and inner self into expressive words in order to encourage and challenge others to place priority in their spiritual health at Vanderbilt as well. In this month, I’ve learned that spiritual health requires one to actively share about the status of one’s self and spur other people on. By doing so, you are able to change the overall spiritual health of everyone on Vanderbilt’s campus. I have also begun to incorporate prayer into my life, creating a communication outlet for how I am feeling internally with myself and God. By doing so, I’ve found that I am able to relieve a lot of the weight and burdens that I carry on the inside and to find peace.