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September Reflections

Larry Gao

For my spiritual health, I focused on connecting my inner self with my mental state. This month, my goal is to prevent mental burnout, something that I am susceptible to when school, life, and relationships get tough to maintain and balance. I took the initiative to get spiritually accountable and focus on improving myself by finding a friend to read the Bible with and improve my spiritual health. Spending time in the Bible with my friend and talking about ways to work on my spiritual life according to Christianity has allowed me to connect with both my friend deeply and my religion. It has brought me inner peace and allowed me to prevent burnout and balance all aspects of my life. Talking with my friend specifically on the book of Romans helped me realize the perspective of my inner self with my religious beliefs. It has spurred my spiritual growth, allowing me to take the time to reflect about my spiritual health. I have learned how my God is able to interact with my inner self and beliefs while being present in the relationships and daily life at Vanderbilt. I’ve learned that a healthy spiritual health requires constant accountability and constant reflection both with yourself and also with friends who allow seek the same goals that you do.