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Molecular Physics honors Peter Cummings as a ‘scientific force’ over four decades

Posted by on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 in News.

While others may have opened somewhat traditional gifts during the 2019 holiday season, Peter Cummings received an extraordinary one:  A singular issue of Molecular Physics, Volume 117, numbers 23-24, honoring him on his 65th birthday and recognizing him as “a constantly innovating scientific force” in molecular theory and molecular simulation for more than four decades.

The special issue—Peter Cummings:  A Pillar in the Field of Statistical Mechanics and Molecular Simulation—appeared online Dec. 12, 2019.

“I feel truly honored by this special issue. Many old friends and collaborators contributed excellent work to this large special issue and I am slowly making my way through them,” said Cummings.

“Over the course of 40 years, Peter has come to be one of the central figures in molecular theory and molecular simulation, notable both for his prolific scholarship—including almost 50 papers in this journal alone—and for his outstanding leadership,” said David A. Kofke, co-author of Cummings’ profile and SUNY Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Buffalo.


Full article: Here

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