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Healthy Volunteer Information

We are looking to recruit healthy adult volunteers for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) study. The purpose of this study is to scan healthy people to determine normal function and/or structure of the brain to compare to different patient populations. 


To volunteer or for more information, please contact:


Victoria Morgan



Do I qualify for the study?

We are looking for healthy volunteers who are between the ages of 18 and 65 years, do not have any metal in their bodies, are not pregnant, do not do any illicit drugs, do not have certain neurological conditions, and are able to lay completely still for about an hour and a half. 

What does the study involve?

The study involves at least one 90 minute Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) sessions at Vanderbilt University Medical Center prior to your surgery. There are no medications or injections involved. At the time of the MRI scan, you will fill out a MRI safety survey to make sure your are safe to go into the MRI scanner. 

Will my results be shared with anyone?

The images and data from this study may be shared with the National Institutes of Health, the Epilepsy Foundation, the American Epilepsy Society, or other similar researchers. HOWEVER, your name and identifying information will not be associated with the data in any way. In this way, we can maximize the impact of your participation, while completely ensuring your confidentiality.

Will I be compensated for my time?

Yes. You will receive $40 for the MRI session. A check will be mailed to you within 3 weeks after the MRI session.

Will I get to know the results of this study?

The study is estimated to complete in about 5 years. As we compile information we will be making the results publicly available through published manuscripts and presentations at conferences such as the Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society. These publications will not include personal identifying information of the participants.

Thank you for considering being a part of our research! Please see the rest of our website for more information about this and other studies we are conducting.