Home » 2010 (Page 4)


Microsoft Word and Office Found to Infringe on US Patent

The Software Store has finished replacing the following products with non-infringing versions in the Software Store: • Word 2003 • Word 2007 • Office 2003 Standard • Office 2007 Standard • Office 2003 Professional • Office 2007 Professional Plus • Office 2007 Enterprise Please contact software.store@vanderbilt.edu if you have questions.... KEEP READING

Posted on Monday, January 11th, 2010 in Blog | No Comments »

Microsoft Word and Office Found to Infringe on US Patent

Microsoft has notified Vanderbilt that on December 22, 2009, a United States court of appeals ruled that Microsoft must stop selling versions of Word and Office that infringe on a United States patent. The injunction only applies to licenses purchased after January 10, 2010. The ITS Software Store is in the process of downloading updated...... KEEP READING

Posted on Tuesday, January 5th, 2010 in Blog | No Comments »

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