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Microsoft Campus Agreement Products and the Vanderbilt Software Store

Posted by on Monday, May 20, 2013 in Blog.

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The table below summarizes the:

· Microsoft Campus Agreement products available to departments through the Software Store

· Type of eligibility associated with each product

Eligibility options include:

· Available to all: All departments may order the product

· Available if approved: ITS must review a customer’s intended use prior to granting access to the product in the store.  The customer should contact their Service Delivery Manager (SDM) to initiate the discussion.  The SDM will work with the customer and ITS staff to determine next steps.

· Not available: ITS will not offer the product through the Software Store since ITS uses the product to provide a common or enterprise service to the Vanderbilt community.  For example, ITS uses Exchange Server, Lync Server, and Unified Access Gateway to offer centralized email, unified communication, and security services to the enterprise.

ITS adopted this policy to:

1. Reduce duplication in services across the enterprise

2. Help ensure interoperability among services

3. Help maximize the efficiency and functionality of services

4. Improve our ability to track who is using a product when ITS is asked to perform a software audit

5. Increase the effectiveness of using limited ITS resources to support Microsoft technologies



Office for Mac

Available to all

Office Professional for PC

Available to all

SQL Server

Available to all

Windows Server

Available to all

Windows Upgrade

Available to all

Exchange Server

Not available

Forefront Unified Access Gateway

Not available

Lync Server

Not available

BizTalk Server

Requires review process

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack

Requires review process

SharePoint Server

Requires review process

System Center Server

Requires review process

Windows Remote Desktop Services

Requires review process

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