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Adobe Releases Security Updates for Flash Player, Shockwave Player, and Acrobat

Posted by on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 in Blog.

Adobe released security updates on September 10 for Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Acrobat, and Acrobat Reader. Adobe assigned a priority rating of 1 to the Flash and Shockwave Player updates for Windows and Mac, and a priority rating of 2 to the Acrobat and Reader updates for Windows and Mac.

According to http://www.adobe.com/support/security/severity_ratings.html, a priority 1 rating means “This update resolves vulnerabilities being targeted, or which have a higher risk of being targeted, by exploit(s) in the wild for a given product version and platform. Adobe recommends administrators install the update as soon as possible. (for instance, within 72 hours).”

Priority 2 means “This update resolves vulnerabilities in a product that has historically been at elevated risk. There are currently no known exploits. Based on previous experience, we do not anticipate exploits are imminent. As a best practice, Adobe recommends administrators install the update soon (for instance, within 30 days).”

Go to http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ to download the update for Flash Player.  Visit http://get.adobe.com/shockwave/ to get the update for Shockwave Player.  Use the “Check for Updates” feature in the Acrobat and Reader Help menus to patch these products.

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