Home » Blog » Employees Eligible to Buy Office for $9.95 for Home Use!


Employees Eligible to Buy Office for $9.95 for Home Use!

Posted by on Monday, July 19, 2010 in Blog.

One benefit of Vanderbilt’s new Microsoft Campus Agreement is participation in Microsoft’s Home Use Program. This program enables Vanderbilt employees to buy Office for home use for only $9.95!

  1. Past this link into a browser: https://its.vanderbilt.edu/microsoft
  2. Enter your VUnet ID and password.
  3. Make a note of the “Home Use Program Code”.
  4. Follow the instructions, which take you to the Microsoft Home Use Program page.
  5. Enter your Vanderbilt e-mail address and the program code (from step 3).
  6. Place your order!

If you go through the process and have questions, please contact the Vanderbilt Software Store at 343-3919.

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