Professional Experience

Research Assistant in the Medical-image Analysis and Statistical Interpretation (MASI) Lab, Vanderbilt University (2015.6-Now)

  • Big Data mining, Image processing
  • Developing Convolutional Neural Network on medical Image retrieval
  • Mentoring REHSS students to finish Augmented Reality Mirror project

Research Assistant in Environment Science & Engineering Lab, Nanjing Normal University (2012.6-8, 2013.1-2)

• Data mining, Modeling

  • (See Publication Section) Study on the Impacts of Aerosol on Urban Heat Island Intensity in Nanjing; Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences.
  • Analyzing the fine particle mass concentration impact to
  • Modeling the relationship between urban heat island intensity and air quality

Research Assistant in School of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University (2013.6-9)

  • Experiment, Modeling
  • (See Patent Section) Issued Patent: “Preparation and its performance of heavy metal cheating agent sixthio guanidine acid ”
  • Followed Prof Guoxiang Wang to study Sixthio Guanidine Acid, a new material that could stabilize and solidify heavy metal particulates in urban air.



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