
Outstanding project among all hackathon projects—“Pokémon drawing”(2015)

  • write a sketch recognition app to recognize the Pokémon drawn by player
  • selected to be the outstanding project and presented as a demo of projects in the main websites

Regional Finalist of Google Science Fair (2013.2-2013.6)

  • Modeling and data-mining
  • Captain of team “CARPE DIEM”, the only team from mainland China in the global final, named one of the “90 ideas that will change the world”.
  • Google Science Fair, sponsored by Google, Lego, CERN, National Geographic and Scientific American, is an online competition for teenager scientists to present and test their own scientific hypothesis.
  • Project: Different Land Use’s Influences on Concentration of PM2.5 in Air. Study influences of different land use on PM2.5 concentration and diffusion rates, offer suggestions on improving urban air environment via strategic planning of urban functional areas.

Team Designer, National Finalist of “China Thinks Big”(2012.10-2013.4 )

  • China Thinks Big” sponsored by Harvard College Association for U.S.-China Relations (Harvard AUSCR), aims to encourage creative research ideas among Chinese high school students.
  • Project: Ancient Water Well Scripts: study the history and current preservation of water wells in Nanjing (capital of six dynasties in history), analyzing the development of well through data mining, make suggestions on how to protect and promote the historical water wells as cultural heritage based on the data mining results
  • Won Outstanding Research Presentation Award out of over 200 teams, invited to present the project to Gates Foundation

Captain, China Top 20 Team-Junior Achievements Social Innovation Relay (2012.3–2012.6)

  • JA-SIR, an international creativity contest organized by Junior Achievements to identify social challenges and propose innovative solutions
  • Using mathematical modeling to improve the performance of traffic based on intelligent city system
  • Proposal: A New Central Control for Public Transportation System to Solve City Congestion (20/163)





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