Addendum to Faunal and Floral Data from Huaca Prieta and Paredones
The following faunal and floral reports, totaling 858 pages of hard data, by Víctor F. Vásquez Sánchez and Teresa E. Rosales Tham represent the detailed analyses they carried out between 2007 and 2013 on more than 800,000 specimens. The analyses include detailed ecological, taxonomic, biometric, MNI, NISP and other data. The faunal and floral chapters in the 2017 book on Huaca Prieta and other sites is a detailed interpretative synopsis of these data. If downloaded and cited for use by other analysts, both the book chapters and a specifically utilized report and/or annex should be referenced.
Lastly, it should be noted that there are a few quantitative and qualitative differences for some excavated units at sites (e.g., Units 9, 12, 15/21 at Huaca Prieta and Units 20 and 22 at Paredones), because some analyses on specific floral and faunal data were carried out at the Universidad Cayetano in Lima by the late Dr. Duccio Bonavia and some of his colleagues there between 2009 to 2012. These data were not available to and thus not incorporated into the reports by Victor and Teresa. If any quantitative and qualitative discrepancies are observed between the book chapters and the addenda posted here, data in tables of the book chapters are the most up-to-date.
Analysis of Animal and Plant Remains – 2007
Appendix – Plant and Animal Remains
Analysis of Animal and Plant Remains – 2008
Appendix for Animal and Plant Remains – 2008
Analysis of Animal and Plant Remains – 2009
Appendix for Animal and Plant Remains – 2009
FINAL SUMMARY – Animal and Plant Remains
Appendix – Animal, Final Summary, 2010
Appendix – Macrobotanical Remains, Final Summary
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