Brooke Ackerly

ISA Compendium Project

As incoming chair of FTGS (2007), I was asked by Jane Parpart to Chair FTGS’s contribution to the ISA Compendium project. I welcome your help in this project. If you have any questions, advice or criticism, please contact me at


Sample ISA inviation letter
Sample ISA Compendium Contract
Guidelines for Writing for the Compendium
Notes for the Contributors December 5, 2006 letter to FTGS about the ISA Compendium Project

address for mailing your contract

Please send two copies to
Bob Denemark (Dept of Political Science, University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716 USA)

FTGS Contribution to the ISA Compendium Project

If you would like to be part of the editorial process, please email me with your expertise.

To follow our progress, please feel free to return to this site.

Currently, most of our essays are assigned, most of our contracts are signed, and some of our essays have entered the review process.