Computational Economics Research Lab

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Meet the CERL team!

Yevgeniy (Eugene) Vorobeychik: lab PI.  Research interests: computational game theory, optimization, adversarial machine learning, and network science, with applications to security and privacy, innovation diffusion, epidemic modeling and control, and smart cities.

Chen Hajaj: post doctoral research associate.  Research interests: computational economics, mechanism design, crowdsourcing

Swetasudha Panda: Ph.D. student.  Research interests: game theory, optimization, bioinformatics, especially with applications to antibody design.

Ayan Mukhopadhyay: Ph.D. student. Research interests: smart cities, machine learning, optimization.

Jian Lou: Ph.D. student. Research interests: game theory, mechanism design

Michael Pritchard: Ph.D. student. Research interests: bioinformatics, security

Liang Tong: Ph.D. student. Research interests: game theory, security, adversarial machine learning

Anna Epishova: Ph.D. student. Research interests: crowdsourcing, game theory

Sixie Yu: Ph.D. student.  Research interests: machine learning.


Bo Li: Ph.D., August, 2016.  Currently a post doc at UC Berkeley.  Starting as an Assistant Professor at UIUC in Fall, 2018.  Research interests: adversarial machine learning, security and privacy. LinkedIn profile.

Haifeng Zhang: Ph.D., August, 2017.  Currently a post doc at Carnegie Mellon University.  Research interests: data-driven agent-based modeling, innovation diffusion, optimization.  Linkedin profile.

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