Doctoral Student, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, Vanderbilt University
Chris Redding is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations in Vanderbilt’s Peabody College. His concentration is K-12 Educational Leadership and Policy. He received a B.A. in religious studies with a minor in history from the College of Wooster. Before entering the program, he taught at an international school in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates and worked as a college access advisor in Cleveland, Ohio. His current research explores the composition of the teacher workforce, teacher education and development, and school improvement. He is a research assistant with the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools.
Media Mentions:
Education Week: Gap Growing in Teacher-Turnover Rates: Research
WPLN: Teachers With Education Degrees More Likely To Stick Around
Chalkbeat: Alternatively trained teachers quit more quickly — but not in Tennessee
The Atlantic: Why Are There So Few Black Children in Gifted Programs?
NPR: To Be Young, ‘Gifted’ And Black, It Helps To Have A Black Teacher
The New York Times: Why Talented Black and Hispanic Students Can Go Undiscovered
with additional coverage in U.S. News and World Report, The Washington Post and, Education Week.
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