Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. in Leadership and Policy Studies, Vanderbilt University 2012-Present
B.A. in Religious Studies, The College of Wooster 2003-2007
Publications / Work in Progress
Redding, C. & Smith, T.M. (2016) Easy in, easy out—Are alternatively certified teachers turning over at increased rates? In press, American Educational Research Journal, 53(4), 1086-1125.
Grissom, J. A. & Redding, C. (2016). Discretion and disproportionality: Teacher race and the underrepresentation of high-achieving students of color in gifted programs. AERA Open, 2(1): 1-25.
Nicholson-Crotty, S., Grissom, J. A., Nicholson-Crotty, J., & Redding, C. (2016) Disentangling the causal mechanisms of representative bureaucracy: Evidence from assignment of students to gifted programs. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 26(4), 745-757.
Manuscripts submitted for publication
Swain, W. A. & Redding, C. Union power in a budget crunch: Teacher collective bargaining and state budgetary responses to the Great Recession. Invited revise and resubmit, Journal of Education Finance.
Redding. C. & Viano, S. Co-Creating School Reform: Should Self-Determination be a Component of School Improvement? Invited revise and resubmit. Teachers College Record.
Redding. C. & Smith, T. M. Supporting Early Career Alternatively Certified Teachers: Evidence from the Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Survey. Under review.
Technical Reports
Redding, C., Haynes, K.T., & Cannata, M. (2014). With scale in mind: An integrated model of school-based design and implementation. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools. Working Paper
Cannata, M. et al. (2012). Reaching for rigor: Identifying practices of effective high schools. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, National Center for Scaling Up Effective Schools.
Refereed Conference Presentations
Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. (2016). The entry and exit of teachers of color: Evidence from the Schools and Staffing Survey. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Cannata, M., Redding, C., & Nguyen, T. (2016). Building student ownership and responsibility: Outcomes from the first year of implementation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Cannata, M., Rubin, M., & Redding, C. (2016). Continuous improvement in action: Educators’ use of evidence for school improvement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Cannanta, M., Nguyen, T., & Redding, C. (2016). It’s not the stuff, it’s the staff: The process of scaling in to a school. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. (2016). Are alternatively certified teachers more likely to turnover? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.
Redding, C. & Smith, T. M. (2016). Do in-service supports matter in retaining alternatively certified teachers? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Denver, CO.
Rubin, M., Cannata, M., & Redding, C. (2016). Continuous improvement in action: Educators’ use of evidence for school improvement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Denver, CO.
Cannata, M., Redding, C., & Rubin, M. (2016). Continuous improvement in action: Educators’ use of evidence for school improvement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, D.C.
Harrison, C., Redding, C., & Brown, S. (2015). Lessons learned in design and developing a continuous improvement model. Paper presented at the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools Conference, Nashville, TN.
Cannanta, M., Rutledge, S., Nguyen, T., & Redding, C. (2015). The practice and the process: Scaling in and scaling out. Paper presented at the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools Conference, Nashville, TN.
Redding, C., Miller, J., & Cannata, M. (2015). System learning in an urban school district: A case study of inter-district learning from the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Redding, C. & Smith, T.M. (2015). Can principled adaptations to school context increase the likelihood of scale-up? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Redding, C., Haynes, K.T., & Cannata, M. (2015). With scale in mind: A continuous improvement model for implementation. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Viano, S. & Redding, C. (2015). Co-creating school reform: Should self-determination be a component of school improvement? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Swain, W. & Redding, C. (2015). Teacher union power in a budget crunch: Collective bargaining and differential response to the Great Recession. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, Washington, DC.
Nicholson-Crotty, S.C., Grissom, J.A., Nicholson-Crotty, J., & Redding, C. (2014). Disentangling the causal mechanisms behind representative bureaucracy: Evidence from assignment of students to gifted programs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, Albuquerque, NM.
Harrison, C., Redding, C., Brown, S., Wachen, J., Miller, J., & Socol, A. (2014). Building capacity for improvement through collaboration: Findings from the National Center on Scaling Up Effective Schools. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Redding, C. (2014). Teacher and student race and the subjective evaluation of student ability and behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, San Antonio, TX.
Redding. C. & Smith, T.M. (2014). Trends in teacher turnover among alternatively certified teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education Finance and Policy, San Antonio, TX.
Redding, C. (2013). A principal’s influence on teacher attrition. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University Council of Educational Administrators, Indianapolis, IN.
Teaching Experience
LPO 7670: Educational Policy Research and Causal Inference, Teaching Assistant
(for Dr. Matthew Springer) Spring 2016
LPO 3916: Regression Analysis, Teaching Assistant (for Dr. Thomas Smith) Spring 2014
K-12 Schools
College Access Advisor, College Now Greater Cleveland-Cleveland, OH 2010-2012
Fifth Grade Teacher, Wesgreen International School-Sharjah, United Arab Emirates 2008-2010
Professional Activity
Doctoral Fellowship, Department of Leadership, Policy, and Organizations 2012-Present
American Educational Research Association (AERA): Member 2013-Present
Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP): Member 2014-Present
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE): Member 2015-Present
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