Christoph Zeller is Professor of German and European Studies and an award-winning scholar and teacher. He has taught as a DAAD Lecturer in Poland and was a fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has received research grants from the state of Baden-Württemberg, the Humboldt Foundation, the DAAD, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation, and Vanderbilt University. Trained as a literary scholar and historian at the University of Stuttgart, he focuses on literature, media, and culture, with an emphasis on philosophical concepts and their impact on individuals and groups, including fiction and nonfiction, art and aesthetics, politics, and people. His essays have appeared in leading journals such as Poetica, The Germanic Review, IASL, Arcadia, German Studies Review, LiLi, Jahrbuch für internationale Germanistik, text + kritik, and Gegenwartsliteratur. He is currently working on a book on avant-garde art and literature called Dada Economy: The German Inflation and the Evolution of Avant-Garde Art, forthcoming from Camden House.
Zeller’s books include Werte: Geschichte eines Versprechens (Values: History of a Promise, 2nd edition, Heidelberg: J.B. Metzler 2022), Ästhetik des Authentischen: Literatur und Kunst um 1970 (Aesthetics of Authenticity: Literature and Art around 1970, Berlin and New York: de Gruyter, 2010), and Allegorien des Erzählens: Wilhelm Raabes Jean-Paul-Lektüre (Allegories of Narration: Wilhelm Raabe Reads Jean Paul, Stuttgart and Weimar: J.B. Metzler 1999) as well as the edited volumes Collecting in the Twenty-First Century: From Museums to the Web (with Johannes Endres, Rochester and New York: Camden House 2022), Heinrich von Kleist – Style and Concept: Explorations in Literary Dissonance (with Dieter Sevin, Berlin and Boston: de Gruyter 2013), Literarische Experimente: Medien, Kunst, Texte seit 1950 (Literary Experiments: Media, Art, Texts since 1950, Heidelberg: Winter 2012), and Transmedialität: Zur Ästhetik paraliterarischer Verfahren (Transmediality: On the Aesthetics of Para-Literature, with Urs Meyer and Roberto Simanowski, Göttingen: Wallstein 2006) .
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