Grant Info
Acknowledgement for Cell Imaging Shared Resource
Our funding depends upon your acknowledgement of the Cell Imaging Shared Resource (CISR) when you publish or present data obtained with equipment or services from the CISR. This includes images from the microscopes, training in the use of software, use of image processing systems, experiment design, etc. Because we are fortunate to have so much Center support, the list of grant numbers is large.
Please acknowledge CISR using the following list of grant numbers:
“Experiments/Data analysis/presentation [include what you use]” were performed in part through the use of the Vanderbilt Cell Imaging Shared Resource (supported by NIH grants CA68485, DK20593, DK58404, DK59637 and EY08126).
Most of our equipment is obtained through S10 grant awards. Please include the following S10 grant number for the piece of equipment that you used in your paper:
Please let us know when you publish, and if possible, send us a reprint of the paper.
CISR Facilities Info
CISR Equipment List
Letter of Support
Do you need a Letter of Support (LOS) from the CISR for your grant submission? Please contact Jenny Schafer at jenny.c.schafer@Vanderbilt.Edu. Please include the grant type and title along with a brief (1-2 sentence) description of your project and a brief (1-2 sentence) description of the proposed imaging.
Instrument | Year | NIH S10 Grant Number | PI |
Nikon Spinning Disk Confocal SoRa | 2023 | 1S10MH130456-01A1 | Schafer, Jenny |
Nikon AXR Multi-Photon Intravital Confocal Microscope | 2022 | 1S10OD032216-01A1 | Cassat, James |
JEOL Transmission Electron Microscope 2100 Plus | 2022 | 1S10OD034315-01 | Jerome, Walter "Jay" |
Zeiss 550 Crossbeam FIB-SEM | 2022 | 1S10OD028704-01A1 | Tyska, Matthew |
Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Microscope | 2019 | 1 S10 OD025109 01A1 | Schafer, Jenny |
Zeiss LSM880 Airyscan Confocal Microscope | 2016 | 1 S10 OD021630 1 | Wells, Sam |
Nikon Multi-Excitation TIRF Microscope | 2015 | 1 S10 OD018075 01A1 | Wells, Sam |
Olympus FV1200 Multi-Photon Electrophysiology Microscope | 2013 | 1 S10 OD016299 1 | McMahon, Douglas |
Multi-Photon Upgrade to Zeiss LSM780 Confocal Microscope | 2012 | 1 S10 OD010681 1 | Piston, David |
Nikon STORM and OMX SIM | 2012 | 1 S10 OD012324 1 | Tyska, Matthew |
FEI Quanta 250 Scanning Electron Microscope | 2010 | 1 S10 RR026373 1 | Jerome, Walter “Jay” |
Zeiss LSM710 Confocal Microscope | 2010 | 1 S10 RR027396 1 | Prince, Lawrence |
Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscope | 2007 | 1 S10 RR023901 1 | Goldenring, James |
Zeiss 5 Live Microscope | 2006 | 1 S10 RR022620 1 | Wells, Sam |
Zeiss LSM510 Confocal Microscope | 2003 | 1 S10 RR017946 1 | Wells, Sam |
Zeiss LSM510 Confocal Microscope | 2001 | 1 S10 RR015682 1 | Miller, David |
This information is essential to sustain the imaging resources that you use.
Thank You.