Student Supervision
Graduate Student Supervision:
- Carlin J. Sappenfield, Master of Science, 1988
- James T. Snodgrass, Ph.D., 1989
Ph.D. Thesis: “Completely Normal Lattices” - Scott Burleson, Master of Science, 1990
- James B. Hart, Ph.D., 1991
Ph.D. Thesis: “Decompositions for Relatively Normal Lattices” - Deborah Cotten, Ph.D., 1996
Ph.D. Thesis: “Stone-type Categorical Equivalences in Semantics of Programming Languages” - Lori Henslee Rafter, Ph.D., 1996
Ph.D. Thesis: “Order Semantics of Linear Logic” - Hoseung Lee, Ph.D., 1997
Ph.D. Thesis: “Recognizable Elements of Quantales: A result of Myhill Revisited” - Kevin Blount, Ph.D., 1999
Ph.D. Thesis: “On the Structure of Residuated Lattices” - Jac Cole, Ph.D., 2002
Ph.D. Thesis: “Residuated Lattice Orderings on Cancellative Monoids” - Nikolaos Galatos, Ph.D., 2003
Ph.D. Thesis: “Varieties of Residuated Lattices” - Will Funk, Master of Science, 2004
- Ciro Russo (University of Salerno, Italy), Ph.D., 2007 (Jointly with Antonio Di Nola)
Ph.D. Thesis: “Quantale Modules, with Applications to Logic and Image Processing” - William Young, Ph.D., 2013
Ph.D. Thesis: “An Investigation of Residuated Lattices with Modal Operators”
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