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Organize a Minisymposium

We encourage participants of the conference, particularly our more senior colleagues, to consider organizing a minisymposium on a subject of current interest relevant to the conference. The anticipated time of talks at these minisymposia will be 20 minutes, with 10 minutes for questions and transition after. A minisymposium should consist of at least six speakers. Minisymposia organizers are encouraged to include some students and early career mathematicians among their speakers and to insure diversity of speakers as much as possible.

To organize a minisymposium, please send an email with the title “Minisymposium Proposal, (your name)” to the organizers at by (date to be determined1), with the following in an attached Latex document:

  • The name(s) of the organizer(s) along with their affiliation(s) and email(s),
  • The title of your intended minisymposium,
  • A brief description of the content of the proposed minisymposium,
  • A list of intended speakers (with their affiliations and emails). Please indicate any students by putting (student) after their name.

The organizers will evaluate minisymposia proposals on a rolling basis until (date to be determined1), and you will receive a response by (date to be determined2) at the latest. If your proposal is accepted, your speakers will have until (date to be determined3) to submit the abstracts for their talks. Note that organizers do not need to speak at their minisymposium, but may if they so choose. Moreover, organizers are expected to chair any sessions of their minisymposium.

You do not need your potential speakers to confirm their participation before submitting your proposal. If some of your intended speakers opt not to attend the conference, you may replace them with different speakers. However, if there are any changes to your list of intended speakers, you should send an updated list to the organizers at no later than (date to be determined1).