Exercises on Social Computing (Games)

Due before class on Thursday: Prepare a single Word document that you will upload to Brightspace. Identify your answers  by the number scheme below (a, b, c, d).

a) Familiarize yourself with the Games4Sustainability site (http://www.games4sustainability.org). Read at least one blog post on page (X mod 7) + 1, where X is the ascii value of the first letter of your last name (this is just a fancy way of having responses on a variety of different pages. Record your observations on the post (1 short paragraph together with identity of post and the URL) in the Word document.

b) Read the pages of whatever games is listed at “Recommended this week” at http://www.games4sustainability.org. Record your observations on the game description (1 short paragraph together with identity of game and the URL).

c) Read the full descriptions of all the Games on page (X mod 7) + 1 (where X is defined as above) of the Gampedia page (http://www.games4sustainability.org/gamepedia/). Follow the “Interested? Browse for more →” prompt. Record your observations on the game descriptions (1 short paragraph each together with identity of games and the URLs).

d) Filter the games by UN Sustainability Goals (select a goal that interests you) and read full descriptions of at least three games that you find there. Record your observations on the game descriptions (1 short paragraph each together with identity of games and the URLs).

Upload the Word document to Brightspace before class on Thursday.