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Extemporaneous Speaking Contest

The three competition categories are Level I, Level II, and Levels III/IV. Up to 8 students total per school.

Level I and Level II. The judge(s) will pick a topic at random. Student has 45 seconds to collect his/her thoughts before addressing the topic for 60 seconds (Level I) or 90 seconds (Level II). No dictionary or outside help is permitted. Topics are Familie und Freunde, Haus/Wohnung und Wohnort, Schulleben, Sport und Freizeit, Essen, Kleidung und Wetter, Hausarbeiten

Level III/IV. The judge(s) will pick a topic at random. Student has 1 minute to prepare, during which time he/she may make notes, if desired. No dictionary or outside help is permitted. Then they will address the topic for 2 minutes. 

Criteria for Judging:

  1. Clarity and fluency
  2. Grammatical accuracy
  3. Range of vocabulary
  4. Creativity and liveliness

 Topics for Level I and Level II (shared topics between levels but with different minimum time limits for each level, see above)

  1. Wohnort, Haus und Wohnung
  2. Familie und Freunde
  3. Freizeit und Hobbys
  4. Schulleben
  5. Essen, Trinken, Restaurants
  6. Job oder Hausarbeiten
  7. Kleidung in verschiedenen Jahreszeiten

Topics for Level III/IV

  1. Eine interessante Ferienreise, die du einmal gemacht hast [Must use conversational past (present perfect)]
  2. Gesundheit und Krankheit [Must use reflexive verbs]
  3. Traumberuf, Traumhaus, Traumfamilie [Subjunctive II if possible]
  4. Feste und Feiertage, die du gerne feierst und warum