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Gaydosh, Lauren, Robert A. Hummer, Taylor W. Hargrove, Carolyn T. Halpern, Jon Hussey, Eric Whitsel, Nancy Dole, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2019. “The depths of despair among US adults entering midlife”. American Journal of Public Health, Forthcoming.

Shanahan, Lilly, Sherika N. Hill, Lauren Gaydosh, Annekatrin Steinhoff, E. Jane Costello, Kenneth Dodge, Kathleen Mullan Harris, and William E. Copeland. 2019. “Does despair really kill?”. American Journal of Public Health, Forthcoming.

Gaydosh, Lauren. 2018. “Does it Take a Village? Kin Coresidence and Child Survival in Tanzania”. Social Forces, soy081,

Gaydosh, Lauren and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2018. “Family Instability and Young Adult Health”. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 59(3): 371-390.

Gaydosh, Lauren, Daniel W. Belsky, Benjamin W. Domingue, Jason Boardman, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2018. “Father Absence and Accelerated Reproductive Development in non-Hispanic White Women in the United States”. Demography, 55(4): 1245-1267.

Gaydosh, Lauren, Kristen Schorpp, Edith Chen, Gregory E. Miller, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2018. “College completion predicts lower depression but higher metabolic syndrome among disadvantaged minorities in young adulthood”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 151(1):109-114.

Gaydosh, Lauren. 2017. “Beyond Orphanhood: Parental Non-Residence and Child Wellbeing in Tanzania”. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(5): 1369-1387.

Donnelly, Louis, Sara McLanahan, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Irwin Garfinkel, Brandon Wagner, Wade Jacobsen, Sara Gold, and Lauren Gaydosh. 2016. “Neighborhood Collective Efficacy and Adolescent Mental Health”. Health Affairs,35(11): 2083-2091. PMCID: PMC5452616.

Gaydosh, Lauren. 2015. “Childhood Risk of Parental Absence in Tanzania”. Demography, 52(4): 1121-1146. PMCID: PMC5434424

Levira, Francis, Lauren Gaydosh and Astha Ramaiya. 2014. “A Retrospective Cohort Study Investigating Individual and Community Determinants of Facility Delivery in Rufiji, Tanzania”. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 14: 329.PMCID: PMC4190333

Gaydosh, Lauren, Georges Reniers and Stephane Helleringer. 2013. “Partnership Concurrency and Coital Frequency”. AIDS and Behavior,17(7): 2376-2386. PMCID: PMC3760194

Angotti, Nicole, Kim Dionne and Lauren Gaydosh. 2010. “An Offer You Can’t Refuse: Provider-Initiated HIV Testing in Antenatal Clinics in Rural Malawi”. Health Policy and Planning,26(4): 307-15.PMCID: PMC3118912

Angotti, Nicole, Agatha Bula, Lauren Gaydosh, Eitan Zeev Kimchi, Rebecca Thornton and Sara Yeatman. 2009. “Increasing the Acceptability of HIV Counseling and Testing with Three C’s: Convenience, Confidentiality and Credibility”. Social Science & Medicine, 68(12): 2263-2270.PMCID: PMC2785859