
Global Pathways Summit 2017
February 22nd – 25th, 2017
Nashville, Tennessee
¨The Role of Education in Innovation¨

In a period of 20 years the city of Medellin evolved from being the most violent city in the world, to being internationally recognized as the most innovative city in the world.   This process of transformation was made possible by many key factors primarily:  The metro system, Empresas Publicas de Medellin, Integrated Urban Plans, The Innovation District, (Ruta N) and most importantly Education and Culture.  Placing Education and Culture high on the list of city priorities played a central role in the transformation of the city by bringing people together to move forward from traditional socio-economic paradigms and into the twenty first century.

¨Medellin La Mas Educada¨  (Medellin the Most Educated)

The project began during the administration of Mayor Sergio Fajardo (2004-2007).  This project is a city model based on education as the main tool for social transformation, and the creation of opportunities, to overcome inequity and to develop the skills needed for the twenty first century.    This project sought to increase access and permanence in education for all the children and youth of Medellin.

For 2017, the Colombo Americano, Tennessee State University and Vanderbilt University would like to coordinate the second International University summit to strengthen the academic bonds that exist between Colombia and the United States.  The focus will be on how education drives change and can serve as tool for innovation.   The transformation of Medellin will be used as a case study.  The summit will bring together universities from Colombia and a number of HBCUs along with universities and schools in the United States to discuss and analyze how Higher Education Institutions (HEI) can be instrumental in driving change and innovation in their communities. In Colombia we wish to work with smaller HEIs just beginning their process of internationalization, as we believe these are the institutions that are in greater need of this type of training. We will also be working with much more experienced universities as they can share best practices and guide the smaller HEIs in Colombia. Attention will be given to innovative ways community and other institutions with limited funding can establish international opportunities for their students. Finally, priority will be given to universities that partner with Binational Centers (BNCs) and EducationUSA centers in Colombia to bring American Education and Culture to their cities.

The 2017 Global Pathways Summit will be a three-day summit held at Higher Education Institutions in Nashville, TN (Tennessee State University, Vanderbilt University, and Belmont University).  The summit will include presentations, case studies, open discussions and forums, institutional visits, cultural presentations, and one-on-one meeting sessions.

Global Pathways Summit 2017
Febrero 22 – 25, 2017
Nashville, Tennessee
“El Rol de la Educación en la Innovación¨

El Colombo Americano de Medellín ha sido por los últimos 70 años un promotor de intercambio cultural y académico entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos. A través de su oficina de consejería EducationUSA y sus programas de intercambio cultural ha ayudado a organizaciones colombianas y americanas a establecer colaboraciones que dan como resultado un mayor intercambio académico.  En el 2016 colaboramos con Partners Achieving Success, La Universidad EAFIT, La Universidad de Antioquia y la Ciudadela Universitaria Pedro Nel Gómez,  alcanzando un éxito histórico en la primera cumbre de universidades Afro Americanas realizado en Medellín- Colombia. Como resultado de esta cumbre,  se lograron nuevos acuerdos universitarios y un modelo para establecer un Centro de Excelencia e Investigación en Medellín.

Para el año 2017 la Universidad Estatal de Tennessee se ha asociado con la Universidad Vanderbilt y la Universidad Belmont  para realizar la segunda cumbre Internacional de universidades y fortalecer los lazos académicos que existen entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos. El enfoque de esta cumbre será el rol que la educación juega en la Innovación. La transformación de Medellín – Colombia será usada como un ejemplo para mostrar como la educación y la cultura pueden impulsar el cambio en las comunidades. La cumbre reunirá a universidades de Colombia y un gran número de universidades Afro Americanas universidades de Estados Unidos para discutir y analizar como las instituciones de educación superior pueden ser un instrumento para impulsar el cambio y la innovación en sus comunidades. El objetivo de esta cumbre será traer de 50-60 instituciones de educación superior de Colombia y Estados Unidos a la ciudad de Nashville para compartir mejores prácticas e incrementar la movilidad cultural y académica entre ambas naciones.

Global Pathways Summit 2017 será una cumbre de tres días que tendrá lugar en Nashville, TN. La cumbre incluirá presentaciones, discusiones abiertas y foros, visitas institucionales, presentaciones culturales, sesiones de reunión uno a uno, y se cerrará con una exposición cultural que incluirá una exposición de arte del laboratorio socio-artístico Desearte Paz y una presentación musical.