
CONCURRENT SESSIONS I 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.

Tools for Intentional Excellence as a Culturally Diverse 21st Century Global Leader *interpretation provided

Location Library Community Room

Presenter Rubin Cockrell, CEO, Positive Images & Associates

Summary This interactive working proposal session will provide participants the opportunity to focus on improving their understanding of what is a global workforce and the keys to successful decision-making for all people. Other content within this session will include strategic elements of organizational behavior, vision building, workforce diversity, managing change, effective communication amongst cultures, and performance systems.

Learning Objectives
1) Analyze how to create a pro-active environment of prevention and positive change within the workplace.
2) Analyze how motivation affects employee performance within the workplace.
3) Analyze how diversity in the workplace maximizes productivity of a working environment and effects workplace performance.
4) Identify the characteristics of effective individuals and effective teams in the working diverse environments.
5) Analyze the importance of critical thinking and how it affects one personal and professional life as it deals with diversity.
6) Analyze how resilience affects the organizational culture of a working diverse environment.

How Can EducationUSA Increase Student Mobility

Location Buttrick Hall Room 123


Ana Villavicencio, Regional Educational Advisor Coordinator, EducationUSA
Erika Lopez EducationUSA Advisor, Centro Colombo Americano Medellin

Summary EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State network of over 400 international student advising centers in more than 170 countries. The network promotes U.S. higher education to students around the world by offering accurate, comprehensive, and current information about opportunities to study at accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States. EducationUSA also provides services to the U.S. higher education community to help institutional leaders meet their recruitment and campus internationalization goals.

Learning Objectives Explain EducationUSA and how it may help universities to increase student mobility.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – The Virtuous Cycle of Collaborations for Internationalization

Location Library Room 418A


Mark Gunter, Director, International Student Services, Tennessee State University
Mark Brinkley, Director, International Education, Tennessee State University

Summary The Office of International Affairs (OIA) was established in October 2012 to provide cultural collaborative initiatives that support TSU’s strategic goals in producing global leaders. At that time, TSU had 79 International students, 36 students participating in study abroad, and one faculty leading a study abroad experience. By October 2016, we grew to 900 International students with 130 students participating in study abroad experiences, 15 faculty leading study abroad experiences and four staff assisting in leading study abroad experiences, have MOU’s with 31 universities abroad.
This session shares the strategic and tactical planning opportunities that exist between Study Abroad, MOU Management and International Student Recruitment. CI2: Cultural Immersion Initiative is OIA’s signature short term study abroad program. The Cultural Immersion Initiative is an intensive (10) day research, study and social international exchange activity. Universities abroad that have an agreement or MOU with TSU collaborate to develop a curriculum plan and research projects. CI2 is offered as a special topics course that students can take during breaks. The course is designed to provide students with an enriching cultural and academic exchange experience. Each student is paired with a student abroad and expected to participate in an intense research project aligned with a specific theme developed by faculty members from each school. We have developed a faculty friendly MOU and International Student recruitment module for our faculty and staff leading study abroad experiences.

Learning Objectives

1.Introduce the American Council on Education (ACE) Model for Comprehensive Internationalization
2. Strategies and Tactics for Student and Faculty/Staff Mobility
3. Share Results
4. Lessons Learned

Innovación social desde la Educación-Interacción Universidad-Empresa- Estado

Location Penn Warren Center

Presenter Francisco Javier Gallego Restrepo, Academic Director, Esumer

Resumen Esumer a través de su modelo prospectivo compartirá su estrategia pedagógica, el cual demostrará desde los lineamientos conceptuales y los criterios del diseño curricular cómo le apuesta a un enfoque social, flexible y con elementos diferenciadores e innovadores en diferentes campos y esferas de actuación como lo son los Clúster de ciudad (estrategias de integración empresarial). Caso de estudio: sector textil.


Conocer los modelos pedagógicos, entender la lógica de la prospectiva y asimilar cómo la educación a través de sus acciones puede impactar el sector real a través de la innovación (desde Esumer cómo desde el Centro de Innovación e Emprendimiento se puede generar proyectos de impacto reales y concisos que apunten al desarrollo de la sociedad).