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Please note that you will need Jeff Fessler’s Medical Image Reconstruction Toolbox in your path, in order to run most of this software. This can be obtained from his website.
- Blipped Gradient Trajectories:
- blippedltades.zip: MATLAB scripts to jointly design large-tip-angle parallel RF pulses and blipped gradient trajectories. Algorithm described in this manuscript (pdf link).
- Fast small- and large-tip-angle RF Pulse Design:
- ptx_test.tar.gz: MATLAB objects and examples of fast small- and large-tip-angle RF pulse design (parallel and single-channel). From this paper (Pubmed link) and this abstract (PDF link) and this paper (IEEE Xplore PDF link).
- Hybrid Multibaseline and Referenceless PRF-shift thermometry:
- hybridthermo.zip: Hybrid multibaseline and referenceless PRF-shift temperature estimation. From this paper (doi link).
- K-space Hybrid Thermometry Demo:
- kspacedemo.zip: MATLAB scripts and data to demo reconstruction of temperature maps from undersampled k-space data using k-space hybrid thermometry. From this manuscript.
- Maximum linear-phase spectral-spatial RF pulse design:
- maxphase_spsp_test.tar.gz: Example of maximum linear-phase spectral-spatial RF pulse design, developed to suppress fat in a long-TE/short-TR GRE sequence for thermometry. This package will also require John Pauly’s RF design tools (rsl.stanford.edu). From this paper (Pubmed link).
- MultiDimensional Bloch Equation Simulatior:
- blochsim_cuda.zip: Crude mex+CUDA implementation of a multidimensional Bloch equation simulator for RF excitation. Hopefully some will find this useful as a starting point for a more robust MATLAB-callable CUDA-based Bloch simulator.
- Nonuniform and multidimensional Shinnar-Le Roux RF pulse design:
- nuslr.zip, from this paper (doi link). Two examples are included: a spiral in-out refocusing pulse and a fat-suppressing spectral-spatial refocusing pulse for 3T. MATLAB’s Parallel Computing Toolbox is used to implement two CUDA kernels, so you need both that toolbox and a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU to use the software. The package will also require John Pauly’s RF design tools (rsl.stanford.edu).
- Optimized Bloch-Siegert Encoding Pulse Library:
- From this abstract (pdf link). These pulses are a dramatic improvement over conventional pulses (e.g. Fermi) used in Bloch-Siegert B1 mapping, due to their short duration (so you get a shorter TE and lower SAR for the same sensitivity), and have a much wider operating bandwidth. Two .zip files are in that directory, containing pulses sampled on 6.4us and 10us grids. We’ve also included phase difference-to-|B1+| lookup tables and example MATLAB scripts and data to do the lookup. This is the work of Marcin Jankiewicz.
- Reweighted-l1 referenceless PRF-shift thermometry:
- rwtl1thermo.zip: Reweighted-l1 referenceless PRF-shift temperature estimation. From this paper (doi link).
- Root Flip Multiband RF and Matched-Phase Excitation:
- rootflipmultibandrf.zip: MATLAB scripts to design low-peak-power/short duration multiband refocusing pulses, and matched-phase excitation pulses. Algorithm described in this manuscript (pdf link) and this submitted ISMRM 2015 abstract (pdf link).
- Selective B1+ Excitation Pulses:
- b1plusslr.zip: MATLAB scripts to design B1+-selective excitation pulses using the Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm. The package will also require John Pauly’s RF design tools(rsl.stanford.edu).
- Spin-domain optimal control RF pulse design code:
- optimalcontrol.zip: Based on the hard pulse approximation. Included are multithreaded (pthreads) mex functions for bloch simulations and derivative calculations.
- Native Client SLR Pulse Design Tool
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